  • 學位論文


A Study of Using Extensive Reading in an Elementary School EFL Context

指導教授 : 洪銓修


英語廣泛閱讀運用在國小英語教學之研究 摘要 本研究旨在描述英語廣泛閱讀運用於國小英語的教學,並探究此項教學如何改變學生的學習態度、學習行為、學習動機、學習成就及閱讀技能。本研究採用立意選樣,共有十位國小六年級的學童及二位英語教師參與本研究。本研究採用質性資料蒐集方式,包括觀察、半結構性訪談、開放性問卷以及相關文件收集等方式,輔以相關測驗,以測驗學生的基本英語能力的改變。本研究以內容分析法及持續比較法,進行資料的分析。根據三個研究問題,分析的重點著重在: 一、英語廣泛閱讀運用在國小英語教學的構成要素; 二、影響英語廣泛閱讀運用在國小英語教學的情境變數; 三、學生及教師對英語廣泛閱讀運用在國小英語教學的認知。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、英語廣泛閱讀運用在國小英語教學之教學架構,有六項要素: 確認學生的學習需求、設定教學目標、準備適切的閱讀材料、閱讀的指導、廣泛閱讀、評量學生的表現。二、影響英語廣泛閱讀運用在國小英語教學的情境變數有四個要項: (一)、學習態度,包含自信及對閱讀的喜好; (二)、學習行為,包含閱讀習慣、主動參與、願意嘗試、與過去經驗的聯結、好問的精神及創意; (三)、學習動機,包含大量的閱讀、家庭的支持及鼓勵、支持及鼓勵性的閱讀環境; (四)、閱讀能力,包含字母拼讀能力及閱讀策略。三、學生及教師對英語廣泛閱讀運用在國小英語教學的認知,包含學生對自我學習的表現、閱讀材料、分組閱讀的人數、教學法及閱讀後活動的認知, 以及教師對自我心態的改變、縮小學生之間的學習差距、教學及學習的效率、及促進學生之間的合作關係。 另外,本研究建構出的理論模式,稱為『英語廣泛閱讀運用於國小英語教學之風車理論』。該理論闡述英語廣泛閱讀運用於國小英語教學之六個決定性要素: 適切的閱讀材料、教師的中介引導、良好的學習態度、學習行為、學習動機及基本的閱讀能力、。當這六個要素具備時,即會增強學生的學習效果。 整體而言,本研究結果顯示廣泛閱讀對於學生的情意、認知及技能均有助益。在情意方面,學生的自信提高了,他們變得更喜歡閱讀。他們漸漸養成閱讀的習慣,而且他們的學習行為變得更主動,願意去嘗試錯誤,變得更好問及有創意。在一個沒有壓力及充滿支持性的環境當中,學生的學習動機被增強了,而且閱讀量很大。在認知方面,學生對於字音的對應關係、常見字的認識及一般單字的識字量均有進步。在技能方面,學生對英文字彙的解碼能力變好了,促使他們可以閱讀更多,也為他們將來的學習打下良好的基礎。 關鍵詞: 廣泛閱讀、學習態度、學習行為、學習動機、學習表現


A Study of Using Extensive Reading in an Elementary School EFL Context ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to describe and explain the use of extensive reading in an elementary school EFL context in general and further record in details how extensive reading was implemented and its influence on students’ learning attitude and learning performance. By using qualitative method of purposeful sampling, the researcher purposely selected ten elementary school students in sixth grade and two English teachers as participants. The students read extensively three times a week over a period of 15 weeks. The researcher collected multiple qualitative data which included observation, semi-structured interviews, open-ended questionnaires, and review of documents. In addition, numeric data, used as supportive evidence to the qualitative data, was collected by the letter identification test, the Ohio Word test and Dolch 95 Nouns test. The various data was analyzed by content analysis and constant comparative method. The analysis, based on the three research questions, was focused on (a) the elements constituting the use of extensive reading in an elementary school EFL context; (b) the contextual variables influencing the use of extensive reading in an elementary school EFL context; (c) students’ and teachers’ perceptions toward extensive reading. The major findings of this study were discussed. First, six elements were identified to describe the framework for implementing an extensive reading program in an elementary school EFL context. The six elements included identifying students’ needs, setting instructional goals, preparing reading materials, reading instruction, extensive reading, and evaluating students’ performance. Second, four contextual variables were identified to influence the implementation of extensive reading. The four variables were reading attitude, reading behavior, reading motivation and reading skills. Third, students’ and teachers’ perceptions toward extension reading were explored in various ways. Furthermore, the study constructed a theoretical model entitled “Windmill approach to the implementation of extensive reading in an elementary school EFL context”. This theoretical model described and explained six crucial factors of the windmill approach to the implementation of extensive reading. These factors were reading materials, teachers’ mediation, reading attitude, reading behavior and reading motivation, and reading skills. Students’ learning performance was enhanced when these factors worked together. In sum, the results of this study indicated that extensive reading benefits the students in three domains: affective, cognitive, and psychomotor. In the affective domain, students’ confidence was boosted, and they became more interested in reading. Their reading habit was gradually fostered, and they became more active, willing to take risks, inquisitive and creative in learning behaviors. Under a tension-free and supportive environment, students’ motivation was enhanced and the reading amount was large. In the cognitive domain, students’ learning performance in letter sound correspondence, sight word recognition, and vocabulary size was improved. In the psychomotor domain, students developed better word-decoding skills which facilitated the students to read more fluently and built a foundation for their future reading. Key words:extensive reading, learning attitude, learning behavior, learning motivation, learning performance


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