  • 學位論文

實用技能學程學生學習歷程 及自我效能之發展

The Learning Procedures and the Development of Self Efficacy of Students Majoring in Practical Skill Programs

指導教授 : 吳芝儀


摘 要 本研究以台南市某高職實用技能學程100學年度畢業生4名為研究對象,旨在瞭解實用技能學程學生學習歷程與自我效能之發展。為獲得有關學校生活、學習經驗和自我效能等生活經驗歷程,本研究以質性研究深度訪談的方式蒐集受訪者的學習經驗及感受,呈現學生學校生活的原貌。以現象學內容分析法進行資料分析,呈現受訪者經驗現象的共通性。歸納分析討論,研究結果發現如下: 一、 實用技能學程學生國中階段學習經驗 (一) 常規適應:表面服從,鑽小漏洞;有自制力,偶而干擾上課。 (二) 人際適應:肯定師長用心,覺察師長及同儕給予標籤,渴望獲得認同。 (三) 學習歷程:學習動機低落,缺乏成就感;偶有負面情緒,逃避學習;初始嘗試努力,最後選擇放棄;從技能學習、外在打扮、體育專長或線上遊戲重拾信心。 (四) 生涯規劃:不喜歡念書,依個人興趣選擇高職相關科系。 二、 實用技能學程學生高職階段學習經驗 (一) 常規適應:適應良好,偶有違規行為,學校給予機會,不會自我警惕。 (二) 人際適應:師長給予肯定、支持與鼓勵,能包容犯錯;同儕肯定,互動 良好。 (三) 學習歷程:受師長肯定,獲得成就感,激發學習動機;在擅長領域全力以赴,堅持到底。 (四) 就讀感想:重技能學習,需有自制力。 (五) 生涯規劃:就讀科技大學。 (六) 反思:每個人都需要成就感;懊惱過往,虛度光陰;瞭解學習的意義。 (七) 蛻變:學會思考,展現自信,具有領導能力和責任感,更認真學習。 三、 實用技能學程學生自我效能之發展 (一) 國中階段自我效能低落且不穩定,在非學業領域尋找成就感。 (二) 高職階段自我效能提升且較為穩定,全力投入擅長領域。 (三) 自我效能發展: 1、高職階段自我效能較國中階段穩定。 2、學業成就所形成之自我效能可擴及至其他領域。 3、師長為學生自我效能來源中重要的關鍵。 4、言語說服的主要角色會依其效能來源而定。 5、自我效能提升可減少在校問題行為。 6、自我效能不因性別的不同而有所差異。 本研究針對研究發現,提出關於實用技能學程學生求學歷程與自我效能發展具體建議,作為未來研究、學校及第一線教育工作者之參考。


Abstract The targeted objects of the thesis are four vocational high school students graduating in 2012, majoring in practical skill programs in one vocational high school in Tainan city. The thesis aims to realize the learning procedures and the development of self efficacy so as to obtain students’ life experiences and procedures, including school life, learning expriences and self efficacy; as a result, this qualitative study involving in-depth interviews with four participants to colloect the interviewees’ learning experiences and feelings, as well as to present the original reality of students’ school life. The thesis analyzes, induces, and discusses the data with phenomenological content analysis approach to unfold the commonality among the four interviewees. The findings are as follows: 1. The learning experiences of students in practical skill programs in their junior high school days 1-1 Disciplines :They seemingly obeyed the rules while actually often violated and challenged them; they occasionally disturbed the teaching and learning fluency in the class. 1-2 Interpersonal relationship: They appreciated teachers’ hardwork, and felt the sense of belonging to their classes, but teachers and peers labeled them as negative and inferior; they were eager to be recognized. 1-3 Learning procedure: They lacked the sense of achievement as well as learning motivation and tended to avoided learning and expressed nagtive emotions when facing their schoolwork; initially, they were willing to try hard but end up in giving up but regaining their confidence back in dressing up themselves, involving in sports competitions, or playing on-line games. 1-4 Career plan: They chose their majors based on their interests; they were not interested in academic studying. 2. The learning experiences of students in practical skill programs in their vocational high school days 2-1 Displines : They behaved better exccpt some violations once in a while; the school was willing to tolerate it and even gave them more opportunities, which made them neglect it and wouldn’t view it as a warrning to avoid themselves violating the rules again. 2-2 Interpersonal relationship: Teahcers praised them , supported them, encouraged them and evern put up with their faults; the peers inspired them and got along with one another. 2-3 Reflections on studying: They should have emphasized technique training and needed more self control. 2-4 Career plan: They palnned to be admitted to universities of technology and science in the future. 2-5 Reflections: They are convinced that everyone needs the sense of ahievement; they have really regretted what they have done in the past, such as idling around; they indeed realize the true meaning of leaning. 2-6 Metamorphosis: They eventually learn to think over, and express the confidence and cultivate the leadership as well as sense of responsibility and study harder. 3. The development of self efficacy of students majoring in practical skill programs. 3-1 The self efficacy stays low when students study in junior high schools, and they look for their sense of achievement in non-academic fields. 3-2 The self efficacy rises and stays more stable when studetns study in vocational high schools, and they devote themselves to the fields they are specialze in. 3-3 The development of self efficacy: 3-3-1: The self efficacy in vocational high school days remains more stable than that in junior high school days. 3-3-2: The self efficacy formed by academic achievement can benefit other fields as well. 3-3-3: Teachers play an essential part in developing students’ self efficacy. 3-3-4: Whether the major roles can persuade themselves depends on the self efficacy among them. 3-3-5: The increasing of self efficacy can decrease troublesome behaviors at school. 3-3-6: The self efficacy won’t change as a result of the gender differences, Based on the findings, the study offers the concrete suggestions regarding the studying procesures and the development of self efficacy of students majoring on pratical skill programs so that they serve as the references for the future studies, schools and all teachers and educators.


李旻華 (2002)。高中學生之自我效能、成功期望、學習任務價值與
