  • 學位論文


The Study of Teacher Perception of Campus Bullying and Teacher Intervention in Vocational High Schools in Chia-Yi

指導教授 : 鄭瑞隆


本研究之目的為了解嘉義縣市高職教師所知覺之校園霸凌行為與其對於校園霸凌行為所採取之處置方式,由教師的觀點了解校園霸凌行為,並比較不同背景變項(性別、實際年齡、服務年資、學校規模、現任職務)的高職教師對於校園霸凌行為處置方式之差異情形,最後探討嘉義縣市高職教師所知覺之校園霸凌行為與教師處置方式之相關。 本研究以現任之嘉義縣市高職之教師為研究對象,並以自編之「高職校園霸凌現況與教師處置方式之研究問卷」為研究工具,嘉義縣市共有十所高職,依各校教師人數比率進行立意抽樣,抽取各校教師總數百分之二十五,共計311位教師為樣本,回收問卷230份,問卷回收率74%,篩選出無效問卷10份,有效問卷共220份,最後將所得資料以描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關統計方式進行分析,主要結論如下: 一、 嘉義縣市高職教師所知覺之校園霸凌行為現況不嚴重,各種霸凌行為皆介於從未發生至很少發生間,其中以關係霸凌最多,其次依序為言語霸凌、網路霸凌、肢體霸凌、性霸凌。 二、 嘉義縣市高職教師對於校園霸凌之處置方式中,最傾向使用班級經營方式,其次依序為親師溝通方式、學生輔導方式、懲罰處理方式、行政措施方式、尋求社區資源方式。 三、 教師背景變項之性別,其處置校園霸凌方式,沒有顯著差異;而不同年齡、教學年資、學校規模、現任職務,其處置校園霸凌方式,有不同程度的差異。 四、 校園霸凌行為與教師處置方式整體之間達顯著正相關,顯示出校園霸凌行為越多,教師採取處置方式的傾向越高。 五、 肢體霸凌與學生輔導、懲罰處理、行政措施方式達顯著正相關;言語霸凌與行政措施方式達顯著正相關;關係霸凌與學生輔導、懲罰處理、行政措施方式達顯著正相關;性霸凌與學生輔導、尋求社區資源、行政措施方式達顯著正相關;網路霸凌與學生輔導、懲罰處理、尋求社區資源、行政措施方式達顯著正相關。 根據研究結果,本研究根據研究結果提出建議,讓教師能更知覺到校園霸凌行為,並盡早採取適當的處置方式。


處置方式 教師 高職 校園霸凌


The purpose of the research was trying to understand teacher perception of campus bullying and teacher intervention in vocational high schools in Chia-Yi. The research investigated teacher background variables, including gender, age, the years they’ve been teaching, the class-number of their school, the job content, then compared the difference of the intervention teachers used to deal with the bullying behaviors. Next, the research explored the relation between bullying behaviors and teacher intervention. The research used the questionnaires made by the researcher as research tool, called “Questionnaires of campus bullying in the vocational high schools in Chia-yi and teacher intervention ”. The research took 313 teachers as samplers in the 10 vocational high schools in Chia-Yi by purposively sampling. There were 220 effective questionnaires returned. The research analyzed the data by t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation. 1.The result indicated that teachers thought that campus bullying wasn’t serious, and relationship bullying was most often seen, and in order were verbal bulling, cyber bullying, physical bulling, sexual bullying. 2.The most used Teacher Intervention was class-management, and in order were communications between teacher and parents, student counseling, giving punishment, administrating measures, seeking community resources. 3.There’s no difference of Teacher intervention in the gender variables, but some differences in teachers’ age, teaching years, class number in school, job title variables. 4.There’s positive relation between bullying behaviors and teacher intervention. The more campus bullying, the more Teacher Intervention. 5.According to the result of this research, the researcher gave some advice to prevent campus bullying.


洪福源、邱素玲、丘金蘭、郭毓珊(2012)。國中小學生、教師對校園欺凌行為之認知與態度研究。臺北海洋技術學院學報, 5卷1期 :156 -196。


