  • 學位論文


The Study Of “Nan Ying Literary Prize”

指導教授 : 郝譽翔博士 黃清順博士


南瀛文學獎的產生,有其劃時代的地方文學史意義,而其走向「階段性」的尾聲,也留下許多讓人咀嚼的文化意蘊,試圖梳理這樣的文化意涵是筆者撰述本論文的重要目的之一。而其具體呈現: 第一章「緒論」部分,筆者主要於研究動機與研究目的當中梳理前人關於「南瀛文學獎」與「南瀛文學創作獎」的相關文獻,針對反覆閱讀吸收之後而作出的具體補充及引介出「南瀛文學創作獎」的發展過程與可進行的研究貢獻。第二章的部份,筆者主要討論「從開辦『南瀛文學獎』到『文學創作獎』的增設」這一課題。具體方式則分為三節來處理:第一節,筆者思考「南瀛文學獎」暨其徵文宗旨對於研究文學獎的意義,第二節,筆者針對「南瀛文學創作獎」的增設探討其背後的意涵,以參賽的角度、主辦單位落實的效用以及文學獎本身的意義及觸角延伸來進行探討,第三節,整理以「南瀛文學創作獎」的評審意見作為定調,則使之作為以下第三章、第四章與第五章的研究過程的基本導覽。 第三章、第四章與第五章的研究過程與步驟,筆者針對「南瀛文學獎」得獎作品作出具體觀察,分類方式則依照「地方」、「人物」和「事件」三者,進行探討藉此闡明這個研究對象具有更多可以發掘與研究的可塑性。一份完整且充滿多樣性的研究對象本身就應具有更多可以被拿來劃分更多的題材,筆者在這論文中以「事件」、「地方」與「人物」作為題材,一方面是要型塑出更多的文學類型,二方面透過這些題材來強調更多可以具體實賤的面向與挖掘更具有內涵的書寫狀況。 結論方面,筆者透過梳理「南瀛文學獎」及「南瀛文學創作獎」的功能、性質與狀況,並且針對其對象進行各種題材與類型的研究方式之後,筆者了解到文學與文學獎的兩者方式的連接可以更發展到不同的導向,而且對於「南瀛文學創作獎」與「南瀛文學獎」也能提出與塑造更多元化的發展議題及研究框架,例如:「為作品專輯思考更多面向的傳導」、「重新啟用已停用的區域文學獎」、「將創作作品的書寫內容具體成形」…等期望,讓原本隸屬於台南縣的「南瀛文學獎」及「南瀛文學創作獎」不管在書寫上與使用上,所收錄得能更加多元化、功能化與遍布性的美學觀感與具體實踐。 第三章、第四章與第五章的研究過程與步驟,筆者針對「南瀛文學獎」得獎作品作出具體觀察,分類方式則依照「地方」、「人物」和「事件」三者,進行探討藉此闡明這個研究對象具有更多可以發掘與研究的可塑性。一份完整且充滿多樣性的研究對象本身就應具有更多可以被拿來劃分更多的題材,筆者在這論文中以「事件」、「地方」與「人物」作為題材,一方面是要型塑出更多的文學類型,二方面透過這些題材來強調更多可以具體實賤的面向與挖掘更具有內涵的書寫狀況。 結論方面,筆者透過梳理「南瀛文學獎」及「南瀛文學創作獎」的功能、性質與狀況,並且針對其對象進行各種題材與類型的研究方式之後,筆者了解到文學與文學獎的兩者方式的連接可以更發展到不同的導向,而且對於「南瀛文學創作獎」與「南瀛文學獎」也能提出與塑造更多元化的發展議題及研究框架,例如:「為作品專輯思考更多面向的傳導」、「重新啟用已停用的區域文學獎」、「將創作作品的書寫內容具體成形」…等期望,讓原本隸屬於台南縣的「南瀛文學獎」及「南瀛文學創作獎」不管在書寫上與使用上,所收錄得能更加多元化、功能化與遍布性的美學觀感與具體實踐。


Nan Ying Literary Prize generation has its epoch-making significance of local literary history, and its becoming a “stage”in the end, it left many people chew cultural implication, trying to sort out this kind of cultural meaning is the author of this thesis Compilation one important objective. Presents its specific: the“Introduction”section, the author mainly on research motivation and research purposes which combing their predecessors on“Nan Ying Literature Prize”and“Nan Ying Literary Prize”in the literature, for repeatedly made after reading the specific absorption of supplements and introducing a“Nan Ying literary Prize”of the development process can be carried out with the research contributions. The second part of the chapter, the author discusses“From the start”Nan Ying Prize for Literature “to”Literary Prize“in addition” to this issue. Is divided into three specific ways to deal with: the first, I think“Nan ying Literature Prize” the essay aims significance for the study of literature prize, the next section , the author for“Nan Ying literary Prize”in addition to explore the underlying implications for competition perspective, the organizers as well as the effectiveness of the implementation of its meaning and literary prize tentacles extending to discuss, the third quarter, finishing with“Nan Ying literary Prize”set the tone as the review comments, then make as the following chapter of the research process and basic navigation. The Chapter three、Chapter four、Chapter five of the research process and procedures, the author for“Nan Ying Literature Prize”winners make specific observations, classification is according to “place”,“character ” and“event”of the three, were discussed to clarify the object of study and research with more plasticity can explore. A complete and full of diversity in the object itself should have more that can be used to divide more themes, the author in this paper in order to “event”,“place”, and “character” as the theme, on the one hand is to shaping a more literary types, two aspects to emphasize more through these themes can be specific for real cheap and dig more content writing position. In the conclusions, I combed through the “Nan Ying Literature Prize” and “Nan Ying Literary Prize” function, nature and condition, and for a variety of subjects and its object types of research methods, the author learned that the two Literature and Literary Award by way of the connection can be more development to a different orientation, but also for“Nan Ying literary Prize”and“Nan Ying Prize for Literature”can also be made with shaping a more diversified development issues and research frameworks such as:“To work album think more for conduction”,“re-enable a disabled zone Literature Prize”,“will write the contents of specific creative works forming”"... such as expectations, so that the original part of Tainan County's“Nan Ying Literature Prize”"and the “Nan Ying literary Prize”regardless of the writing with the use of, the collection was to be more diverse, functional and aesthetic perception throughout nature and specific practice.




