  • 學位論文


A Diachronic Study of Motion Event Constructions in Chinese

指導教授 : 張榮興


本論文旨在探討認知機制(cognitive process)和信息結構(information structure)對漢語位移構式(motion event construction)歷史演變所造成的影響,主要討論三個議題。第一個議題討論古代漢語如何呈現位移事件及為何漢語在不同時期會傾向於使用不同的詞化類型(lexicalization pattern)來表達位移事件。本論文認為語言使用者在不同的社會環境下受到認知機制「突顯」(profile)的影響而傾向於注意事件的不同成分,導致漢語位移事件構式產生類型轉移:從動詞架構型(verb-framed)經由對等架構型(equipollently-framed)走向附加語架構型(satellite-framed)。 第二個議題討論位移事件動詞的排列順序及其與意象圖示的關係。本論文認為漢語位移事件動詞的排列順序受到時間順序原則及我們與外界互動所產生的意象圖示影響,在中古漢語逐漸將焦點轉移至方式成分(Manner)後,意象圖示中越接近位移主體(Figure)的動詞/詞素會置於越前面的位置,也因此造成置於方式動詞後面的動詞逐漸語法化形成表路徑(Path)的附加成分(satellite)系統。 第三個議題討論與位移事件相關的歷時語序改變,這些改變也造成句末「來/去」逐漸失去其句法自由而朝向功能詞演變。本論文認為包含語用狀態(識別度、活化狀態)與語用關係(舊信息、新信息)的信息結構能說明主體和參照物體(Ground)參與者的順序關係:提供舊信息的參與者傾向於安排在提供新信息的參與者之前,且置於漢語句子中動詞前面的位置,而提供新信息的參與者傾向於置於句中動詞後的位置。因此,無法辨識且提供聽話者最新信息的參與者傾向於置於兩個位移動詞之後。


This dissertation investigates three main issues associated with motion event constructions in ancient Chinese, holding that cognitive processes and information structure play an important role in linguistic analysis. The first issue focuses on how the notion of motion events is represented in ancient Chinese texts and why the Chinese language tends to use different lexicalization patterns when expressing motion events in different periods of time. Because of different social environments of the language users, they tended to pay attention to different elements when describing a scene by the cognitive process “profile” in different periods of time, leading to the shift of motion event types in Chinese from a verb-framed language via an equipollently-framed language towards a satellite-framed language. The second issue involves the ordering of the verbs denoting motion events and its close relationship with the image schemas of the verbs. It is argued that the ordering of motion verbs in Chinese requires that both the principle of temporal sequence and image schema be taken into consideration. The order of the motion verbs is mainly decided by the principle of temporal sequence in Old Chinese, while the distribution of the motion verbs/morphemes would mainly follow our bodily interaction with the world that each verb/morpheme has closer relation with the moving Figure than the verb/morpheme to its right after the language users tended to pay attention to the Manner component during Middle Chinese. And thus those second-positioned elements appear to be progressively becoming a system of Path satellites following a Manner main verb. The third issue discusses the diachronic word order changes, causing lai ‘come’ and qu ‘go’ in the sentential final position gradually lose their syntactic autonomy and act more like functional words. It is proposed that information structure based on pragmatic states (identifiability and activation status of NP) and pragmatic relations (given/old and new information) is able to account for the ordering of Figure and Ground participants. Following the principle that the participant providing given information tends to precede the participant providing new information, the preverbal position in a simple sentence in Chinese is usually for a topic referent, which expresses old information, and the postverbal position is usually occupied by a focal referent, which expresses new information. The participant which is unidentifiable and most likely new to the hearer would be posited after the two motion verbs/morphemes.


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