  • 學位論文


The Study for the Implementation Issue and Countermeasures of the Rooted Health and Safety Plan

指導教授 : 王安祥


摘要   本研究主要在探討「安全衛生在地扎根計畫」是否可達到全面落實安衛在地札根之成效,並期望達到以下目的:(一)瞭解目前安全衛生在地扎根計畫4縣市地方政府組織人員執行態度及意願對計畫成效的影響現況;(二)探討參與計畫之地方政府在組織架構編制及人員分工時主要面臨問題與因應對策;(三)分析企業對 安全衛生在地扎根計畫的需求及經費來源的穩定對計畫的影響。   本研究以參與計劃縣市之專責人員、輔導員、企業、安全衛生技術中心、勞委會及地方政府承辦人員為研究對象。由安全衛生在地扎根計劃之人員在執行能力及專業素養問題、計畫執行方式及評估問題、組織架構編制及分工問題、政策資源來源穩定問題等相關問題面向,分析參與蒲公英計畫的地方政府執行人員面臨問題與因應對策。研究結論如下: (一)政策執行分工方面:現行安全衛生技術中心功能有限,縣市專責人員取代安全衛生技術中心的原本功能; (二)執行能力及專業素養方面:專責人員缺乏銜接訓練且輔導員訓練課程參加職訓意願不高認知有所偏差,因此影響計畫執行成效; (三)計畫執行來源穩定方面:勞委會撥款時效延宕,計畫經費穩定來源的縮減,造成人員的流動現象; (四)計畫執行方式及評估方面:缺乏內部評估機制,無法提升執行成效;待加強計畫成員溝通,才能提高執行機關對計畫支持態度。


Abstract  This research aims to discuss whether "The rotted plan of the health and safety" project can be effectively implemented and reach the rotted result. It serves to realize few objects that will be mentioned below. First, to understand how executive attitude and intention can affect the result of the project which is now executing by government around four counties in Taiwan. Second, to realize how to react when facing organization structure design and teamwork problems which causing from participating in the project. Third, to know how enterprises’ demand and stable capital from the project can affect the scheme performance.   The sample population consists of those functionaries, counselors, businesses, Safety and Health Technology Center, Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) and the contractor of the local government who have taken part in this project. This study focused on analyzing the problems and countermeasures that project participants are facing from four main topics, executable abilities and professionalism, methods of executing and problems evaluating, organization structure design and teamwork issues, the source of government resources.   The conclusions from this study are as follows. First, the original safety and health technology center (SAHTECH) is replaced by the dedicated personnel of the counties because of the limited capacity. Second, this project cannot be implemented properly due to the lack of link up training for the functionaries and the low willingness to participate in job training of counselors. Third, delayed fund from CLA and the shortage of capital result in high turnover rate. Finally, in order to improve the execution outcome we need to add internal evaluation system as well as improving the communication skills to get more support form enforcement authority


尤素芬、陳美霞 2007 企業內安全衛生保護之勞工參與機制探析。台灣衛誌;
吳 定 1993 公共政策,臺北:華視文化事業股份有限公司
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