  • 學位論文


A Study of Customer Co-recovery:The Moderating Effect of Perspective and Failure Severity

指導教授 : 曾光華 蘇宏仁


本文是結合消費者參與服務補救與社會心理學的社會影響 (自我-他人觀點)之研究。應用共創價值與社會比較原理,分別探究自我-他人觀點與失誤嚴重性調解消費者共同補救對其行為之影響。本研究運用混合設計實驗,進行服務失誤與補救各種情境之評估並完成對其企業整體滿意度與再購意願的調查。第一個實驗是檢視服務補救策略(未提供/提供共同補救)對觀看者行為之影響。研究發現,觀看者的行為會受到其它消費者遇到服務失誤或補救之影響外,並證實消費者共同補救之效果受到自我-他人變項之調解。第二個實驗是調查在失誤嚴重性(非嚴重與嚴重)下對消費者共同補救參與程度之影響。研究結果顯示,當嚴重的服務失誤發生時,消費者對企業整體滿意度與再購意願的評估在「中度參與共同補救」情境下,分別顯著高於「低度參與共同補救」與「高度參與共同補救」情境。但後兩者補救情況之間則無顯著差異。然而,當非嚴重的服務失誤發生時,消費者對企業的評估未受不同參與共同補救程度而有所影響。理論與管理意涵均將予以說明。


This paper integrates customer participation in service recovery and social influence (self- and other-oriented perspective) in social psychology. In this article, the authors explore a conceptual model of customer co-recovery that is moderated by self-other perspective or service severity, using principles of co-creation value and social comparison. The research employs a mixed-design experiment, conducted using a survey method, in which customers evaluate various failure/recovery scenarios and complete a questionnaire with respect to overall satisfaction of an organization and repurchase intentions. Study 1 tests the impact of service failure/recovery (absent and present co-recovery) directed toward observing customers. The findings of study 1 show that customers in other-oriented perspective are influenced by service failure but also by service recovery that happened to other customers and that the impact of customer co-recovery on customer behavior is moderated by self-other perspective. Study 2 investigates the impact of the level of customer co-recovery under failure severity (non-severe vs. severe). The results show that when customers experienced severe failures, the ratings for overall satisfaction and repurchase intentions with Medium Customer Participation (Medium CP) are significantly higher than those with Low Customer Participation (Low CP) and High Customer Participation (High CP), but no significant difference between the last two service recoveries. When customers experienced non-severe failures, however, the ratings are not significantly different among three types of co-recovery. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.


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