  • 學位論文


The Research of China’s diplomacy towards North and South Korea in the Globalization Era

指導教授 : 趙文志


全球化下中國對南北韓外交關係之研究 摘要   冷戰後,美蘇兩極對抗體系瓦解,世界進入多極化時代,中國經濟崛起帶動政治、軍事等方面基礎綜合國力的增強,令全球矚目。   在鄧小平上台後實施一連串的經濟改革政策後,中國的經濟迅速的向前躍進發展,而鄧小平的後繼者江澤民、胡錦濤也兢兢業業的遵循著韜光養晦持續的改革開放勾勒出經濟戰略的藍圖。中國對外宣稱和平崛起,並延續著鄧小平韜光養晦的經濟戰略,希望周邊的國家與中國和睦相處提供一個有利於發展經濟的環境。   中國發展迅速歸結於中國制訂的經濟戰略,一切以經濟發展為優先的戰略,外交戰略也是以中國的利益而制訂出政策的。而朝鮮半島是東亞局勢的關鍵點所在,中國對南北韓的經濟戰略值得吾人深入研究分析。   因此本文會以現實主義的角度出發,探討中國經濟崛起的背景因素,進而運用理性行為模式來驗證中國國家利益與外交選擇之間的因果關係,最終研究中國與南北韓之間的互動,以及中國崛起後所扮演的角色和對東北亞的影響。 關鍵字:中國崛起、經濟戰略、現實主義、中國與南北韓互動


The Research of China’s diplomacy towards North and South Korea in the Globalization Era Abstract   After the Cold War, the collapse of the bipolar system of confrontation between America and the Soviet, the world has entered the era of multipolarity. China's economic rise, driven by political, military and other basic aspects of comprehensive national strength, attracts the global attention.   After the implementation of series of economic reform policies of Deng Xiaoping, China's rapid economic came to on stage. While Deng's successors Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao also dedicated to following the outline of the reform and opening up economic strategy blueprint. China's foreign claims for peaceful rise and continuation of Deng Xiaoping's economic strategy of keeping a low profile hope to live in harmony with other countries around China and to produce a profitable environment for economic development.   China has developed rapidly due to the development of China's economic strategy, which is based on economic development priorities and China’s national interests. The situation of Korean peninsula is a key consideration in East Asia. China's economic strategy for the North and South Korea is worthy for further research and analysis.   Therefore, this paper will choose realist perspective, exploring the background of China's economic rise, the use of rational behavior model to verifying the causal relationship between China and foreign countries for choosing between the interests of nation and diplomacy, the interaction between China and two Koreas, and the role and influence of China after the rise in Northeast Asia. Keywords: the rise of China, economic strategy, realism, interaction between China and the North and South Korea


