  • 學位論文


Investigating University Students' Perceptions of Peer Response

指導教授 : 陳月妙


本研究旨在經由探索以下四個問題以得知大學生對於同儕回饋之感受: 一、學生是否理解書面同儕回饋? 二、同儕回饋與學生英文作文學習之關聯性如何? 三、學生認為什麼樣的同儕回饋是有益與無益的? 四、如何提升同儕回饋之價值? 參與本研究之受試者為二十名就讀臺灣南部某國立大學的英語系學生。其中質性與量性之方法皆被採用以覆核所得結果之信度及效度。透過內容分析法與比較同儕回饋和學生在英文寫作課所寫的文章可得知同儕常給予以及學生常採納之回饋類型。又經由統計學生所填寫之開放式與閉鎖式問題並融的問卷結果以發覺其對同儕回饋之態度。 依據研究所得結果,學生已認可同儕回饋對其英文寫作學習之助益,然在可信度與互助合作上尚有發展之空間: 一、雖然學生能夠理解常見的同儕回饋,但其類型大多為文風以及文法。 二、基本上學生認可同儕回饋與其英文作文學習之關聯性,不過針對鑑定寫作問題以及 與得分之關聯性上意見不一。 三、學生肯定同儕回饋在情感支持、語言、認知之改善以及可得性上所供給之幫助。同 時,由於學生們欲求具深度的內文和合乎要求之文章形態,所以他們認為從內容以及修辭與結構類型之同儕回饋所得的收獲比文風與文法還多。 四、同儕回饋之發展得著手於改善數量均等之正負面回饋和三種回饋類型(即內容、修 辭與結構和文風與文法)、局部錯誤糾正之技巧、評量標準之理解以及多樣化互動模式之嘗試。




This study aims at investigating university students’ perceptions through answering the following 4 research questions: 1. Do students understand written peer response? 2. What are students’ perceptions of the relation between written peer response and their English writing learning? 3. What do students perceive as helpful versus unhelpful of peer response? 4. How can the value of peer response be increased? 20 English major students were recruited in a national university of Southern Taiwan. For the purpose of crosschecking the reliability and validity of results, this thesis applied both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The researcher examined the subjects’ writing drafts via content analysis and comparison of peer response and student adoption to knowing the situation of comment giving and taking. Students’ attitudes toward peer response could be revealed after the generation of statistics from the questionnaire as well. This study finds: 1. The students have few problems in understanding common peer response, which belongs to the category of style and grammar. 2. Basically they confirmed the relation between peer response and their English writing learning in spite of a discrepancy in problem identification and grade relation. 3. The students indicate that peer response help them in affective support and improvement on linguistic and cognitive with sufficient availability. On the contrary, peer response on style and grammar is unhelpful to them. 4. To increase the value of peer response, (a) the balanced numbers in positive and negative responses (b) and three categories (content, rhetoric and organization, and style and grammar), (c) skills of local error correction, and (d) understanding of assessment criteria and attempt on diverse interaction modes.


perception writing peer response effectiveness


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