  • 學位論文


The Research on the Status and Problems Regarding the Diversion Systerm about Social Labor Services in Taiwan

指導教授 : 許華孚


本論文研究目的在探討台灣實施易服社會勞動制度之現況與問題研究,尤其在政策的規劃與社會勞動人的管理與執行上是否存在諸多問題,對於降低監獄人口及受刑人復歸社會有無發生真正的作用,以及受刑人家庭的聯繫與自我價值的肯定等社會控制力量的展現是否達到預期的效果,並且對節省監禁經費的支出與創造社會財富的效果等均為探究的問題。 主要的研究方法以文獻分析法及質性研究方法為主,在文獻分析法中列舉各國施行社區(會)服務令的情形,並比較其優劣以做為我國實施本項制度的借鏡,同時本研究採用質性研究法,以立意選取方式做半結構性的深度訪談為主要研究方法並舉辦焦點團體訪談,探究有關易服社會勞動役制度的實際管理執行狀況、執行效果、問題與困境以及政策的擬定是否達到預期效果等面向進行全方位檢視與分析。希冀為台灣實施易服社會勞動制度提供更嚴密有效的方向。 經深入訪談20位參與此項易服社會勞動制度之相關人員,其中包含實施易服社會勞動役之受處分人3位、檢察官5位及主要負責管理督核的觀護人與觀護佐理員8位及負責管理執行的機關(構)社區負責人或管理人4位等4個類群。另外進行刑事司法學者、檢察官與觀護人員等6人實施焦點團體座談。研究發現,台灣實施此項制度係目前在刑事政策上最典型的社區處遇政策,其實施目的在減少監獄人口之效果已有一些降低及明顯遏止上升的趨勢外,其餘諸如避免短期自由刑流弊、強化受刑人復歸社會與提升自我價值與尊嚴、節省監獄經費的支出及創造龐大的社會產值等效益與目的都能達成,符合當初政府推動此項政策的期待。 但由於政策制定及實施較為倉促,在對於此項制度的實施之各種管理與執行的規定與刑的執行落實技巧與受刑人教化輔導間的運作情形,乃至於督導與執行機關(構)間的配合合作,以產生對管理執行的共識等都需要不斷的精進改進,尤其各項督核管理與執行的做法規定與聯繫協助通報等作為,其中牽涉到人員的組織編制,專業與訓練的強化等,最後是正在努力的觀護佐理員的法制化及職務保障的士氣 提升暨觀護一元化的可行性等問題與建議都是本論文最關切的議題, 同時也希望透過本研究促進整個制度的發展與創造更和諧的社會。




The purpose of this research is to investigate the status and problems of implementing the diversion systerm about social labor services now in Taiwan.Especially focus on the problems in the planning, management and implementation of social labor policies, reducing the prison population and the status of the inmates’ return to society. Certainly,the social labor services demonstrate the desired effect, such as inmates’ family tie, self-worth, prison cost reducing,and the creation of social wealth. The main research methods include literature analysis and qualitative research.The advantages and disadvantages of some countries are compared in order to obtain the precious expericences from which Taiwan could learn.During the research,the semi-structured in-depth interviews and focus group interviews are conducted.In order to provide Taiwan with a more strict and effective direction,my research (1)defines problems(2)evaluates managent process(3)and analyze the cause effects. We hope the social service system to provide a more rigorous and effective orientation in Taiwan.. In-depth interviews involve 20 stakeholders.They are 3 social labors, 5 prosecutors, governor probation officers and the assistants total of 8 members and 4 community leaders and other group representatives.In addition, criminal justice scholars,prodecutors and probation officers participate in group interview.The study found that currently the most typical community treatment policies have some serve the purpose of reducing the prison population,but significantly curb some of the upward trend in this purpose. Generally speaking, the rest of the original expectation such as:to avoid the negative impacts of short term prison, to increase the inmates’ return to society and family,self-worth and dignity, prison cost down and creation of social effect ete is satisfactorily accomplished. However, due to hasty policy formulation and implementation, they are obviously still plenty of rooms for improvement,such as: the systerm operation efficency, the counselling skills among inmates’ enlightenment education, the coordination between supervisory and executive agencies, sophisrucated regulations, advanced training and better welfare and fringe benefis of related personnel etc. Finally, the main purposes of my research is to improve the whole system and to reassure a more productive and harmonious society.


Community-based correction


許華孚(2005), 監獄與社會的排除,犯罪與刑事司法研究半年刊第五期,218-219。
薛智仁譯,Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Kerner著(2007),德國刑法的公益勞動 -從「替代罰金刑」邁向獨立制裁之路。月旦法學雜誌第一五○期,2007年 11月,頁96。
薛智仁(2009), 限制短期自由刑之裁判體系改革方向-兼評易服社會勞動之增訂,政大法學評論第116期,頁276。


