  • 學位論文


A Research in the Senior Health Food Consuming Decision

指導教授 : 曾光華


台灣自1993 年起邁入高齡化社會,老年人口數達149 萬人,占總人口7.1%。之後國內65 歲以上的老年人口就持續攀升,預估到2016 年為止,台灣老年人口數達302 萬人,佔總人口數的12.8%。老年人口數不斷的攀升,政府對老年人健康福利亦逐漸重視,未來國內的保健食品市場,老年人必定成長為最大消費族群。製藥廠商針對老年人不同需求,推出各式保健食品,加上政府對社會上販賣假藥現象嚴格取締,故瞭解老年人消費保健食品情形,是值得探討研究的。 本研究欲探討老年人在消費決策的過程中會受到哪些因素的影響,瞭解老年人在消費保健食品過程中的各式情形。消費購買決策時共有五個過程,從需求認知到購買後的行為是一段決策的歷程,不單只是消費購買的行為,其中也包括資訊蒐集、方案評估,以及購買後的行為,並且在消費行為過程中會受到各種因素的影響。 本研究之研究方法為深度訪談法,以居住在彰化地區,年齡滿65 歲以上的十七位銀髮族作為研究對象,並依照本研究所擬定的訪談大綱與受訪銀髮族進行訪談。分析其訪談結果,獲得下列結論: 一、銀髮族購買保健食品的需求認知,受到親友建議和身體健康的影響 二、銀髮族購買保健食品的資訊蒐集,受到親友討論和媒體的影響,主動性高 三、銀髮族購買保健食品的方案評估,親友意見及食用經驗和功效影響最大。 四、銀髮族購買保健食品的消費行為,受到健康因素影響 五、健康因素影響銀髮族食用保健食品後的行為 根據研究結果顯示歸納出以下之建議: 一、對銀髮族的建議 (一) 建立家庭醫生制度 (二) 保健食品定時、定量食用 二、對銀髮族子女的建議 (一) 經過專業諮詢後再購買保健食品 三、對保健食品業者的建議 (一) 產品知識確實為消費者購買行為的重要因素。 (二) 找到正確行銷目標對象 (三) 降低消費者知覺風險 四、對政府相關機關建議 (一) 持續宣導民眾正確用藥觀念 (二) 加強醫療專業人員知識 (三) 設立銀髮族用藥咨詢窗口


Taiwan had started to stride to society of elderliness from 1993, the elder population had reached 149 ten thousand people, calculated the total population 7.1%. Afterwards the elder population above 65 years old had begun to rise, the elder population in Taiwan had reached 302 ten thousand people, calculated the total population 12.8% from that time to 2016. The elder population cannot stop to increase and the government had started to see the problem of health welfare of elders, the domestic market of healthy foods must group up and be the biggest consumption in the future. Medical factories had aimed the different request and provide many kinds of healthy foods for choosing, on the other hand, the government had baned the fake medicine seriously, so it is to be worthy to discover and look into about purchasing condition of elders. The research prepared to discuss what kind of reasons will affect the decisions of elders’ purchasing, and understand all the situations when the elders were purchasing healthy foods. There are five consumer purchase decisions, from requirements and recognize to finish purchasing that behavior as a period of decision-making, not merely a consumer buying behavior, including information gathering, program evaluation, and post-purchase behavior, and consumer behavior process will be affected by various factors. The research was in-depth surveys interviews method, according to seventeen seniors of the elders living in Changhua, over 65 years old as the research objects, and followed the respondent interview outline to interview the seniors. The interview results of Analysis, obtained the following conclusions: (A)The requirements and cognizes of seniors of purchased healthy food, the effects of recommended from relatives and physical health. (B)The information gathering of seniors purchased healthy food, the effects from relatives’ discussions and media, the initiative highly. (C)The program evaluation of seniors purchased healthy food; the greatest effects were the relatives’ advice, taking experience and efficacy. (D)The healthy factors affected the seniors purchasing behaviors of healthy food. (E)Healthy factors affected the seniors’ behaviors after eating health food.


