  • 學位論文


The Key Success Factors of International Hotel Chain

指導教授 : 許嘉文


觀光產業是現今各國視為重點發展的產業之一,各國政府無不重視。隨著全球觀光和商業交流日益熱絡,近年來台之國外旅客人數持續成長。而觀光事業的發展,帶動住宿服務業的興起。台灣住宿服務業的發展歷程在1977年進入大型國際觀光旅館期,至今,演變到國際連鎖旅館時期。 連鎖加盟成為國際觀光旅館產業最重要的經營方法之一,台灣70%的國際觀光旅館採用連鎖化經營,不僅是在國內的連鎖,為了獲得國外知名連鎖旅館的健全管理制度、行銷推廣和連線訂房等優勢,旅館業主更是積極尋求與國外旅館集團合作,欲成為其連鎖體系的一份子。 雖然台灣國際觀光旅館在大環境的支持下,未來發展前景看好,但新型旅館不斷加入使競爭日益激烈。為了要站穩腳步、穩定成長達到企業永續經營的最終目標,必須瞭產業致勝的關鍵成功因素,才能將稀少資源投注競爭優勢上。 本研究針對國際觀光旅館的產業特性和未來發展,歸納出四項國際觀光旅館成功經營所需具備的要素,分別是品牌、服務品質、顧客關係管理和推廣。再融合學者的文獻,以及報章雜誌的相關分析,得出四項國際旅館集團跨國連鎖的經營模式。


The tourism industry is now regarded as one of the key industries around the world, governments attach great importance to it. While international tourism and trade is flourishing, the numbers of foreign visitors in Taiwan continue to increase. The development of tourism industry, lead to the growth of lodging industry. In 1977, the development course of Taiwan lodging industry got into The Major International Tourist Hotel Period. To this day, it has evolved into The International Hotel Chains Period. Franchise is one of the most important business models of international tourist hotel industry, 70% of Taiwan's international tourist hotels adopt chain management. Some of them adopted domestic chain, others adopted foreign chain so that they are able to obtain foreign hotels ' management system and other advantages. Although international tourist hotels in Taiwan have a prosperous future, constantly increase of the new hotels lead to intense competition. To achieve stabilization and sustainable development, it is necessary to recognize the key success factors of the industry. In this study, we identified five key success factors of international tourist hotel industry:brand, service quality, customer relationship management and promotion. Than we summarized the transnational chain business model of international hotel groups through analyzed the scholarly literature and academic journals.


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