  • 學位論文


Transaction Cost of Rrader to Establish Brands for Internationalization

指導教授 : 鍾憲瑞


台灣因為屬海島型經濟環境,資源先天上就比較匱乏,因此對外貿易的依存度很高。而台灣貿易商大多屬於傳統貿易商或是代理商,在全球自由化貿易時代、新興市場與科技進步帶來的資訊透明化,讓消費者得以不再受到地理和時空的限制,各種貿易協定的衝擊,也使得貿易商的生存空間漸漸受到嚴重的威脅。因此台灣貿易商如何突破其傳統的角色定位,創造本身的附加價值,進而提升企業之競爭力,正是本研究欲探討的主題。 而台灣雖然於2001年加入WTO(World Trade Organization),然而對於整體的經濟面並未帶來實質上的影響,甚至到了2010年與中國大陸簽訂了ECFA (Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement),近十幾年來政府的觀感始終跟不上人民的認知。直到2014年的服貿協議,終於被民眾的怒火所擋下,社會大眾也才開始去了解到,所謂的貿易協定是在談些什麼東西。 有鑑於此,本研究透過國、內外相關的文獻資料,利用個案訪探研究,探討貿易商發展自有品牌與國際化的過程與貿易商發展自有品牌且經營國際化的和交易成本的關聯性。進而歸納出,貿易商轉自有品牌,主要會考量到原物料取得的難易,而在經營國際化則會考量到公司的治理成本。期望能透過本研究的彙整,提供企業可參考的實務經驗,來輔助決策參考。


Abstract Taiwan is naturally lack of resources due to its island economy, and it is highly dependence on foreign trade. Most merchants in Taiwan are either traditional traders or distributers. Consumers may disregard of the geographic and temporal limits due to the emerging markets and technologies make pricing information more transparent in globalized economy. Many trade agreements constraint and threat local merchants. This research focus on how local traders shift its traditional positioning and create added value itself and furthermore enhance its competence. Although Taiwan joined WTO in 2001, however it didn’t substantial impact Taiwan’s economy. Taiwan even signed ECFA (Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement) with China. There’re perception gap between Taiwan governments and its citizen in past decade. The CSSTA (Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement) with China was opposed and suspended by angered Taiwan citizen, which encouraged people to understand what is trade agreement about. For this reason, we studied domestic and foreign articles, study and visit some cases in order to discover the relationship between “the process of traders transform from distributer to develop its own brand and push it internationally” and “the transaction cost of traders develop its own brand and conduct internationalized business.” It results in the merchant shall consider the difficulty to obtain raw resources when transform from distributer to branding, and shall consider the governance costs when transform from local to international business. Wish this research could provide worth considering practical experiences to assist corporation decision-making.


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