  • 學位論文


The Research on Surrender of Missing Foreign Workers

指導教授 : 李佩珊


我國每年外勞引進人數及行蹤不明人數均不斷增加,然而查獲人數卻未能超越行蹤不明人數,因而造成目前在臺行蹤不明總人數居高不下;政府相關單位在政策面無法降低對外勞的需求,亦無法提出有效機制防止外勞逃跑,最終方法即是透過末端的加強取締來抑制日益增加的行蹤不明人數。本研究藉由探討促使行蹤不明外勞自行到案方法,據以提出有效降低行蹤不明外勞人數之政策建議。 本研究採取便利取樣方式,針對收容於移民署專勤隊臨時收容所之越南籍及印尼籍行蹤不明外勞共8名進行深度訪談,並從訪談資料統整分析後歸納出結論。 研究發現促使行蹤不明外勞自行到案之措施如下: 一、免管制入境。 二、免除高額罰鍰。 三、行蹤不明外勞檢舉獎金之適用。 四、受收容外勞提供情資得解除收容。 五、自行到案免予收容。 六、免行政罰鍰。 七、專案遣返。 八、免費安置處所。 以效果而言,前四項措施尚可吸引部分行蹤不明外勞自行到案;後四項措施則單項誘因不足,僅能吸引已有返國意願之行蹤不明外勞;若同時實施,將深具效果。 本研究另從「外勞心理面」及「市場供需面」提出修正建議作為政府未來外勞政策之參考,建議如下: 一、放寬外勞轉換雇主規定。 二、規劃外勞保證金制度。 三、擴大檢舉獎金適用於行蹤不明外勞。 四、適度開放農牧業外勞。 五、建立行蹤不明外勞特赦機制。 關鍵字:行蹤不明外勞、自行到案、收容


As numbers of imported and missing foreign worker continue growing and the number of arrested missing foreign worker falls behind that of the missing, the number of missing foreign worker in Taiwan keeps high. In the policy-making, the government can not reduce the demand for foreign worker and neither offers an effective mechanism to prevent the missing of foreign worker. The final approach is enhancing crackdown to reduce the number of missing foreign worker. The research aims to propose effective ways to reduce the number of missing foreign worker by studying motivations for foreign worker’s surrenders. The research adopts eight samples from Vietnam and Indonesian missing foreign worker who had been detained in the temporary detention centers of National Immigration Agency. Through profound interviews with them, conclusions are made regarding measures to motivate surrender of the foreign worker as follows: A. Non-Controlled Entry B. Exempted from High Penalty C. Availability of Report Bonus D. Exempted from Detention if Provision of Valuable Intelligence E. Detention-Free in case of Surrender F. Exempted from Administrative Penalty G. Case Deportation H. Free Placement Program As far as the effect is concerned, the former four measures can attract partial missing foreign worker to surrender. Nevertheless, the latter four measures can only attract missing foreign worker willing to return home. If they are implemented at the same time, the effects will be more positive. Furthermore, the research offers suggestions as follows for reference of the government in future policy-making from aspects of “psychology of foreign worker” and “supply and demand of the market”: A. Relax Restriction on Employer Transfer B. Plan Deposit System for Missing Foreign worker C. Broaden Application of Report Bonus for Foreign worker D. Open Import of Foreign worker for Agriculture and Livestock Industry E. Establish Amnesty Mechanism for Missing Foreign worker Keyword: missing foreign worker, surrender, detention




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