  • 學位論文

中小學教師對於運用修復式正義理念 處理學生衝突態度之研究

The Research on Primary and Secondary School Teachers’ Attitudes toward Students' Conflict Resolution by Applying Restorative Justice

指導教授 : 鄭瑞隆


本研究旨在探討教師對於運用修復式正義(Restorative Justice)理念處理學生衝突之態度,研究對象為臺南市國民中小學教師,受試教師共有615人,透過「中小學教師對於運用修復式正義理念處理學生人際衝突之態度調查問卷」進行調查。主要研究發現與結論如下: 一、臺南市曾接觸修復式正義理念之中小學教師人數已達一定程度,教育現場對於修復式正義理念不再感到如此陌生。 二、臺南市中小學教師透過多元管道接觸修復式正義理念,但整體而言,接觸與參與的程度並不深入。 三、中小學教師對於運用修復式正義理念處理學生衝突,大多抱持積極正面的態度。 四、女性教師比起男性教師、小學教師比起中學教師、已取得證書教師比起未取得證書教師、曾聽聞理念教師比起首次聽聞理念教師,對於運用修復式正義理念處理學生衝突,其態度更加積極正向。 五、中小學教師較傾向使用溝通、討論與協商的策略來處理學生衝突。 六、較為年輕教師、年資較淺教師,其因應衝突的策略較為多元化且個別化。 七、曾有間接接觸修復式正義理念經驗的教師,其衝突處理因應策略較為彈性,也較強調溝通與協商整合。 八、中小學教師越傾向使用溝通、討論與協商的策略來處理學生衝突,其對於運用修復式正義理念越抱持正面的態度。 九、中小學教師較傾向運用經驗、符合自身立場的策略來處理學生衝突,其對於運用修復式正義理念越抱持負面的態度。 最後,根據研究發現與結論,分別對教師、學校以及教育行政單位等三方面提出建議,供相關單位及人員參考。


The purpose of the study is exploring the attitudes of teachers to deal with students' conflict by applying the concept of “Restorative Justice”. Primary and secondary school teachers of Tainan City were the subject of this study, all of them are 615. Conducted through a “Questionnaire survey of the attitudes of teachers to deal with students' conflict by applying the concept of Restorative Justice” , the major finding and conclusions are as follows: 1.Primary and secondary school teachers of Tainan City , who needed to know more about Restorative Justice, have reached a certain degree. The concept of Restorative Justice was no longer unfamiliar to the educational sites. 2.Primary and secondary school teachers of Tainan City learned about the concept of Restorative Justice from multiple approaches. On the whole, the teachers did not deeply learn and participate. 3.Primary and secondary school teachers held a positive attitude toward the conflict resolution by the concept of Restorative Justice. 4.Female teachers, primary school teachers, certified teachers and teachers who learned about the concept were more positive toward dealing with students' conflict by the concept of Restorative Justice than male teachers, secondary school teachers, uncertified teachers and teachers who heard about the concept for the first time. 5.Primary and secondary school teachers incline to deal with students' conflict by the strategy of communication, discussion and consultations. 6.Younger and junior teachers applied more multiple and individual strategy of conflict resolution than senior teachers did. 7.Teachers who learned about the concept of Restorative Justice indirectly had more flexible strategies toward students’ conflicts and emphasized more on the communication and consultations. 8.More primary and secondary school teachers incline to apply strategy of the communication, discussion and consultations, they held a more positive attitude toward the concept of Restorative Justice. 9.More primary and secondary school teachers were willing to apply the experience and the strategy which suited their own stand, they held a more negative attitude toward the concept of Restorative Justice. Finally, according to the findings and conclusion of this research, suggestions were proposed for teachers, schools and education authority, and provided as a reference for the related units and members.




