  • 學位論文


Synthesis and Characterization of Amphiphilic Block Copolymer Polyisoprene-b-P(MMA-co-PEGMA)

指導教授 : 蔣見超


本研究以陰離子聚合法製備polyisoprene(提供彈性),並且在尾端溴化當作下一步活性自由基聚合的起始劑。選取methacrylate(MMA)以及poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate (PEGMA)為活性自由基的共聚單體,希望可以增加polyisoprene的黏性以及親水性,製備出polyisoprene-b-poly(MMA-co- PEGMA)具彈性的親疏水性高分子。 首先以陰離子聚合法合成polyisoprene並且利用尾端具有活性的特色先capping上環氧丙烷(propylene oxide)使polyisoprene的尾端上具有醇基,再加入2-bromoisobutyrl bromide(BIB)使其尾端產生溴酯基,此高分子為polyisoprene-Br為一巨起始劑;使用活性自由基法以polyisoprene-Br作為起始劑並且以CuBr為觸媒、N,N,N’,N”,N”-Pentamethyldiethylenetriamine (PMDETA)為配位基再導入PEGMA和MMA,以toluene為溶劑加熱至80℃便可得到三成分的共聚高分子。 所得到的高分子分別以1H NMR、FT-IR進行結構鑑定,分子量Mn由GPC檢測並可量測其PDI,熱性質由TGA和DSC分析,並測量高分子的黏度和由接觸角量測其親水性。


The work is mainly to use anioic polymerization to prepare polyisoprene capped with a bromide at the end, which can be used as an initiator in the Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP). We choose methacrylate(MMA) and poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate (PEGMA) as monomers in ATRP, and expect to add viscosity and hydrophilicity to polyisoprene, leading to a amphiphilic polymer of polyisoprene-b-poly(MMA-co-PEGMA). First, polyisoprene via prepared via anionic polymerization, and because of the living anionic chain end we can cap propylene oxide in the end to form the alcohol group. After adding 2-bromoisobutyrl bromide, to form a bromide at the end of the polymer, we get PI-Br and this polymer will serve as a macroinitiator. Next we conduct at 80℃ Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization to prepare copolymer of three components, using PI-Br as the initiator, CuBr as the catalyst, PMDETA as the ligand, MMA and PEGMA as monomers and toluene as solvent. Synthesis and characterization data of the copolymers have been collected from GPC、1H NMR 、FTIR、TGA and DSC. Furthermore, we have measured the viscosity of polymer and used contact angle to measure the hydrophilicity of the formed polymer.


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