  • 學位論文


Study of Biochemical Terrorist Attack

指導教授 : 林泰和


摘要 恐怖攻擊甚至是生化恐怖攻擊在國內的研究較少,也不太受重視,但是這並不代表這個議題不重要,相反的,正因為恐怖攻擊的危險性,我們更應該要特別的對恐怖攻擊的相關議題進行研究,降低恐怖攻擊所帶來的巨大傷害。 本研究從國內外專書資料著手,針對生化恐怖攻擊進行剖析,先介紹何謂生化恐怖攻擊,接著再論述恐怖份子使用生化武器的邏輯,並強調生化恐怖攻擊的可能性與危險性。其後從國家安全的角度切入,指出生化恐怖攻擊將會如何動搖國本,並闡述當前生化武器擴散的危害,及世界各國對防範生化恐怖攻擊的努力,最後從國際上及東亞鄰國的防範作法為借鏡,例如日本與中國的反恐作法,來檢視我國的反生化恐怖攻擊制度,並提出建議。 本文提出「防範生化恐怖攻擊之三原則」,其一是防止生化武器之擴散可能,其二是要能夠嚇阻對手使用生化武器,其三是要具備承受生化恐怖攻擊的能力,透過這三個原則的實現,方能提高對抗生化恐怖攻擊的條件。


Abstract In Taiwan, biochemical terrorist attack or terrorism study is not valued. That does not mean that terrorism issue is nonsense, instead, we should pay more attention on terrorist attacks research, because the risk of terrorist attacks is too terrible to bear. We must try our best to reduce the damage caused by terrorist attacks. This study begin from the data of domestic and foreign books, and tries to analyze biochemical terrorist attacks. At first, this study introduces what biochemical terrorist attack is. Then it discusses the reasons and logic of using biochemical weapons, and point out the possibility and the risk of biochemical terrorist attacks. Moreover, national security will be affected by these kind of attacks. Proliferation of biochemical weapons is dangerous and becomeing worse these decades. Many states try to solve proliferation problem through international coordination and cooperation. In this study, we can find out the way of Japan fights against biochemical terrorist attack, and the way China prevents attack from terrorist during Beijing Olympic. With these cases, this study tries to compare Taiwan with these countries. And take a view to see the preparation of Taiwan against biochemical terrorist attack. This paper presents “three principles of defending biochemical terrorist attacks”, one is likely to prevent the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons, and the second is to be able to deter the enemy from using biochemical weapons, the third is to have the ability to withstand biochemical terrorist attacks. Through these three principles, we can improve our preparation against biochemical terrorist attack.


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黃英傑、石富元、顏幕庸,「醫院對核生化恐怖攻擊傷患處置準備度調查」,中華民國急救加護醫學會雜誌,16卷3期( 2005年9月),頁107-119。

