  • 學位論文


From the Geostrategic Locate Taiwan's Position in the Asia-Pacific of Regional Security

指導教授 : 林泰和


一、台灣位居西太平洋花彩列嶼的中央位置,控台灣海峽與巴士海峽兩條海上交通要道,亦是東海與南海的分界點,戰略地位有何重要性?台灣地緣位置的重要性,是不是因為控制著西太平洋四大重要水道(對馬海峽、台灣海峽、巴士海峽、麻六甲海峽)的中間兩條,能扼制日、韓對外交通的生命線,並且居於美國西太平洋防線,防堵亞洲陸地強權-中共進入海洋,挑戰美國在太平洋海上霸權的重要地位? 二、隨著科技快速的發展及全球經濟的重心轉移,與中共致力經濟與軍事改革,整體國力大幅提升之後,從而實施之軍事戰略修正的影響;加以現實之國際社會與中共壓縮我參與國際組織空間,矮化我國際地位等等的影響,臺灣的地理位置是否還能有其重要性?都是我們要思考的重要課題。本文試以「地緣戰略」之要素及影響亞太地區情勢發展的主要國家(美、中、日)之亞太戰略,來分析臺灣在亞太地區地緣戰略上之地位,以突顯臺灣的重要性與自主性,進而提出以因應瞬息萬變的現實挑戰。 三、中國是我國國家安全最大的威脅目前,但也是國家發展最大的轉機,在無法改變國際現實主義上,我們應轉個念,從另一個角度來看臺灣的地位,例如,我們將東亞地圖將其逆時針旋轉90度後,從中國大陸向太平洋的方向來看,則可發現臺灣位居中國大陸向太平洋發展海權的門戶,也是北亞國家(俄羅斯、南、北韓、日本等)向東南亞、印度洋等地區,海上交通的必經要道與門戶;另外,就地質環境上來說,臺灣正為於花采列島的中央,大陸陸地向海洋延伸的喇叭口,因此,身此地區關鍵地位的小國,更應充分運用此一優勢,順應鄰國(強國)變動的地緣戰略觀,擴大我們的地緣優勢效應,在講求權力平衡的國際現勢中,掌握我們的優勢,於穩定的經濟發展腳步下,發展出務實而前瞻的全方位地緣戰略,以創機造勢、驅吉避凶,確保我國國家穩定與安全。


Taiwan at the Festoon Islands central location in the Western Pacific, control of the Taiwan Strait and the Bashi Channel two maritime transport routes, and is the demarcation point of East China Sea and South China Sea, what is the importance of the strategic position? Taiwan's geostrategic of importance is cause to whether it can control middle two of the four major waterways of the Western Pacific (Tsushima Strait, the Taiwan Strait, Bashi Channel, the Strait of Malacca), Can to curb the Japanese and Korean of external transport lifeline, and located on U.S. of defense line on the Western Pacific, attempts to prevent the Asian land powers - The P.R.C. entering the ocean to challenge the U.S. hegemony and important position in the Pacific sea? With the rapid development of science technology and center of gravity global economic shift, and The P.R.C. is committed to economic and military reforms, then the whole national power has increased dramatically, thus affecting the implemented the amended military strategy, the reality of the international community, The P.R.C. is to compress my space of participate international organizations and dwarfing international status, etc.. Is Taiwan's geographical location still importance? That is important issue we need to think about. This thesis attempts to use the "geostrategic" as an important element and major Asia-Pacific countries (U.S., China, Japan), affects the situation in the strategic development of the Asia-Pacific area impacts to analyze the status of Taiwan in the Asia-Pacific region's geostrategic, order to highlight importance and autonomy of Taiwan, and then put forward to cope with rapidly changing realities challenge. Currently, China is the biggest threat to our national security, but it is also the biggest turnaround in national development. We can not change realism of international, but should turn a thought, viewed the status of Taiwan from another perspective. For example, we will rotate it counterclockwise East Asia map 90 degrees, from the direction of the Chinese mainland see to the Pacific, which can find out Taiwan is the gateway of mainland China to development power in the Pacific sea, Also are the North Asia Country (Russia, South Korea and North Korea, Japan, etc.) maritime transport must pass through arteries and portal out of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean. In addition, in the geological environments, Taiwan at the Festoon Islands central location, at the bell mouth of mainland China extending into the ocean, Therefore, a small country on key position area should make full use of this advantage, adapt neighboring (powerful) countries changes in geostrategic concept and expand our geographic advantage effect. Master our advantage in emphasis on the balance of power in the current situation of the international. Develop a pragmatic and forward-looking comprehensive of geostrategic in steady pace of economic development. To creating the opportunity and advantages, seek luck and avoid calamity, to ensure that our country stability and security.


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