  • 學位論文

大台中公共運輸聯營公車預算效益之個案研究 ═ 以BRT及八公里免費市公車為例

Taichung public transport joint venture bus budget benefits : A case of The BRT and eight kilometers of free city buses

指導教授 : 鎮明常


本論文主要目的在研究與探討台中BRT(快捷巴士)運輸系統與市政府補貼聯營市公車八公里免費之預算效益以及資源有效使用的關鍵策略。 台中市政府在計畫初期以官法人結構設立台中快捷巴士公司,從原始計畫打算自行經營;但是到試車、試運轉之際卻頃刻間轉變成可以「公民聯營」之巨大變化。在實際市場面、聯營市公車已經形成綿密路網之際,到底BRT與聯營市公車之效益如何 ? 彼此間又是互補或替代的何種關係與腳色 ? 再者、BRT系統之工程計畫與施工對於交通大動脈的台中中港路(台灣大道)影響甚巨;棘手問題包括綠樹移植、車道縮減後的汽、機車搶道等… 一連串交通紊亂的嚴重狀態,至於第一條BRT (藍線) 運輸系統開通後與一般市公車之競合消長;更待觀察。 發展中的大台中公共輸運系統能否成功,其關鍵成功因素除了政策導引與預算補貼有著密不可分的重要關係,針對如何有效發展公車以及替代性的運輸系統,市場上的乘客使用者觀點與他項外在因素也佔有不小影響力。 藉由上述相關資訊與文獻探討,充分瞭解建構台中BRT系統以及聯營市公車之效益分析後;進一步探討其實際效益與關鍵成功因素,常言道:「錢得用在刀口上」;公帑預算更該如此,尤其近幾年在中央與地方財政普遍都不理想的狀態下;政府部門更該錙銖必較做好典範、有效使用經費,期望本研究之論述與建議;日後能對公司組織、事業單位,尤其是公部門之政策和預算使用上能有所裨益。 關鍵字: 資源基礎理論、市公車八公里免費、預算補貼、關鍵成功因素、經營策略。


Abstract This thesis aims to research and explore Taichung BRT (rapid buses) transport systems and municipal subsidy budget of the joint battalion, Eight kilometers of public free benefits, and the key to effective use of resources policy. Taichung City Government planned initially to set up the corporate structure, Taichung and efficient bus companies, from the original plan to run their own;But to test, test run was transformed in an instant can 「 citizens pooling our fair share of dramatic changes. In actual markets, joint municipal bus amid dense road network has been formed and how benefits of BRT, bus, and joint venture? What is complementary or alternative relationship to one another and characters? Furthermore, the BRT system project planning and construction of major traffic artery in Taichung Chungkang Road (Taiwan Avenue) have a huge impact;Thorny issues including tree transplant, driveway cuts and motorcycle after robbing and other ... A series of traffic status, as regards the first BRT (blue line) General municipal bus transport system after the opening and concurrence between ebb and flow;More to be seen. Through the research literature to explore and see construction of BRT in Taichung City police cars and the joint operators benefit comparison;The saying goes: money (budget) was used in the cutting edge, discuss benefits and key success factors;Theoretical base of this study we will be expected to enterprises, organizations, especially public-sector policy development and budget trends can be helpful. Through the discussion on the relevant information and documentation to fully understand the construction of BRT system and Aboriginal camps in Taichung city after public car benefit analysis;Further exploration of the actual effectiveness of the critical success factors, as the saying goes: 「 money have spent our fair share on the edge;Public budget should be so, especially at the Central and local governments in recent years are generally not ideal conditions;Government departments more seriously to do exemplary and effective use of funds, expected discourse and recommendations of this study;Later on corporate organizations, public institutions, especially in the public sector can benefit policy and budget. Keywords: Resource-based theory,Eight km City public free buses, Budget subsidies, Critical success factors, Business strategy .


Taichung BRT


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