  • 學位論文


Application of ZigBee Wireless Network Technology for Parking Management System

指導教授 : 熊博安


目前社會對於車輛的依賴性愈來愈高,個人或家庭幾乎都擁有數部的車輛。在台灣,並無法滿足每部車都能夠有一個適合的停車位置,除了常見的平面停車場或立體停車場(塔)外,路邊進行相關停車需求之規劃,進行形成目前的路邊停車格的設計已成形。路邊停車之設計提供多一種的選擇與土地的利用。路邊停車格的設計要考慮停車格位置的選擇,收費的方式和交通的衝擊,以達到最大的功效。常見的收費式路邊停車場都會視需求進行設置,而收費方式是採用人工巡邏的方式進行,不但可以減緩交通的衝擊也可以使收費員在巡車的過程中減低了交通事故的發生。 本論文探討路邊停車場的收費方式的優劣與開發ZigBee無線通訊於市區路邊停車收費的可行性。利用無線通訊協定準則下所設計之產品加以整合,並進行取代過去人工開單的方式,改以無線通訊技術的方式進行計時與計費。車輛入停車格後就會傳送訊號,並記錄車輛的相關資訊而傳送置伺服器端。車子離開後會自動感測車輛離去,且停止繼續傳送訊息,過程中不需要有人工的方式來進行開單,也不會造成風險存在。本論文目的即開發一無線技術與系統進行有效之路邊停車收費管理的機制,提供路邊停車的使用者有更便利、省時的系統,預期達到使用者付費之最高原則。


It is difficult to find a suitable parking space for drivers in Taiwan, where land is limited; therefore, apart from the normal parking lots and car park towers, government has laid regulations for road-side parking. To improve utilization of the limited road-side parking spaces, a new method for managing road-side parking lots is proposed in this Thesis. The proposed method needs to address several design issues. For instance, detecting the location of vacant parking lots, the means for collection of parking fees, and the impact on traffic. Road-side parking lots are generally located at places where traffic is less busy, and the parking fee is collected manually by parking lot patrollers. This indeed reduces both its impact to the traffic and potential accidents happening to the patrollers. This thesis focuses on the use of ZigBee for developing a system that can perform fee collection and the automatization of managing road-side parking lots. To automatize the issuing of parking tickets, it is designed to automatically sense the car when it is parked in a lot. Once a car is sensed to have parked in a lot, it sends a message via ZigBee to the coordinator. As soon as the ZigBee coordinator receives the message, it then records the data of the car, such as its plate number. It also triggers its clock and begins to time the parked car. Once the parked car leaves the parking lot, the data transferring stops immediately. With this method there is no need for manual ticket issuing, and thus decreases the risk of patroller accidents. It is with this system that we hope to provide car users a more convenient system.


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