  • 學位論文


A Study of the Attitude of LGBT and Non-LGBT Teachers Among Junior High Schools Toward LGBT and the Teaching Experiences on LGBT Education

指導教授 : 王雅玄


本研究旨在探討國民中學同志與非同志教師其同志態度與實施同志教育之教學經驗,並以酷兒理論與酷兒教育學為本研究的理論基礎,在資料蒐集方面係採用質性研究的半結構式訪談,共訪談四位曾在課程中實施同志教育的國中教師,包含同志與非同志教師各兩位。 在研究發現方面,本研究共分成三部分進行結論: 一、對同志的認知與態度: (一)接觸是一把鑰匙,不僅讓同志教師得以認識自我且認同自我,也非同志教師意識並認肯同志群體的存在; (二)當同志/非同志教師皆為「認同差異」的狀態下時,生理性別的不同是促使彼此在認同程度上有所差異的原因,而非是受到性傾向的影響; (三)非同志教師在眾多同志運動的事件看見同志處於性弱勢者的處境,而同志教師則是從自我的生命歷程中深刻地感同身受; (四)同志/非同志教師對同志皆抱持正向及友善的態度,但在面對恐同情況的處理時,非同志教師較同志教師積極。 二、同志教育態度: (一)同志教育的實施應從小開始,且依據不同年齡有不同的教材; (二)同志/非同志教師皆一致認為教科書的內容,仍以異性戀中心的思維為主,無法看見同志存在的脈絡; (三)同志/非同志教師對於同志教育的重要性是認同且肯定。 三、實踐同志教育之教學經驗 (一)生命教育與輔導課程是實施同志教育的動機也是契機; (二)非同志教師在課程核心概念及教學設計上對於同志概念的討論較直接且明確,反觀同志教師則是偏向用「較安全的」情感、性別議題教學來包裝同志概念; (三)學生對同志態度及行為的明顯改變是最大的教學成效,而拉近師生關係則是讓教師感到意外的收穫; (四)非同志教師的困境為「本身之能不足」,而同志教師則是顧慮「自我同志身分的揭露」;此外,「校方支持與干涉」、「家長意見」,以及「學生態度及反應」為兩者共同的實施困境與顧慮; (五)同志/非同志教師能藉由實施同志教育再次檢視自我性別意識,並且提升自我的課程規劃能力與教學能力的精進。 最後,研究者根據研究結果提出相關建議以期能提供政策制定者、學校教師及未來研究者作為實用的參考。


This study aims to examine the attitude of LGBT teachers and non-LGBT teachers among junior high schools toward LGBT and the teaching experiences on LGBT Education. By using semi-structured interviews in qualitative research to collect data, this study is based on Queer Theory and Queer Pedagogy. The author interviewed four junior high school teachers, two LGBT teachers and two non-LGBT teachers, who implementing LGBT Education in courses. The results of the research can be divided into three parts, as follows: 1.The recognition and attitude toward LGBT i.Contact is a key that allows LGBT teachers and non-LGBT teachers to understand the existence of LGBT. ii.Facing LGBT, LGBT teachers and non-LGBT teachers are both in the same state of recognition difference. iii.Both LGBT teachers and non-LGBT teachers found that LGBT are disadvantaged groups. iv.Both LGBT teachers and non-LGBT teachers’ attitude toward LGBT are positive and friendly. However, non-LGBT teachers are more proactive than LGBT teachers when dealing with homophobia. 2.The attitude toward LGBT Education i.LGBT Education should begin at early age and have different textbooks for different ages. ii.Both LGBT teachers and non-LGBT teachers agreed that the content of textbooks is oriented toward Heterosexual Hegemony without any existence of LGBT. iii.Both LGBT teachers and non-LGBT teachers agreed and stressed the importance of LGBT Education. 3.The teaching practices on LGBT Education i.The motivation and opportunity of implementing LGBT Education are life education curriculum and guidance curriculum. ii.The curriculum is primary consists of “Safe LGBT Education”, and it fears and even rejects the concept of “Unsafe LGBT Education”. iii.The most important teaching achievement is the change of students’ attitude and behavior toward LGBT. iv.The plight and concerns of implementing LGBT Education includes “incompetency”, “trust and supportiveness of the school”, “parents’ opinions”, and “the attitude and reaction among students”. v.By implementing LGBT Education, teachers can examine self-gender consciousness and raise teaching standards. Based on the findings of this study, the author provided suggestions for policymakers and teachers and future studies.


