  • 學位論文


Effect of Occupational Safety and Health Act on the Industries of Banks

指導教授 : 王安祥 博士


職業安全衛生法於民國102年7月經總統公告後,並於103年7月3日正式施行,其與原「勞工安全衛生法」之間差異甚大,除法令名稱變更,條文與內容亦有增加與修正,且適用之行業與保障對象的範圍因而擴大。對企業勢必會有很大的影響,尤其是對第三類事業在安全衛生組織與人員架構設置的標準,較不及第一、二類事業來的嚴謹與完整的現況下,如何因應職安法的施行,選擇銀行業作本研究之對象,主要在於職安法的增修,是為符合國際職業安全衛生趨勢及防止全球產業型態改變所衍生的新興職業災害風險,而銀行業的工作性質正符合其樣態。 本研透過深入訪談與文獻的蒐集和分析,獲得之結論如下:1.現今職業災害樣態的時空背景已不同於以往,工作者危害已趨向職業疾病者居多,而疾病多為長時間之累積,於認定上較為不易,一旦發生職業災害,雇主負舉證責任。2.職安法第5條雖無罰則,但仍為雇主的義務,也意涵未來雇主應負之責任不再僅限於職業安全衛生法之範儔,勞工可在民、刑事提出對雇主的賠償要求。3.銀行業因其工作型態,員工易有肌肉骨骼、輪班工作、職場暴力的新興職業疾病發生,實有評估、分析及預防之必要。4.銀行業在職安業務事項的推展不因屬第三類事業單位而減少,且其分支機構遍佈全省,而具規模之國內銀行分支機構均在百家以上,對此,總機構應有專責職安單位統籌管理、規劃與督導。基於上述研究結果,職安法對銀行業未來在事務推展確有明顯的影響,政府主管機關應考量企業規模及新興職業災害型態,在修訂「職業安全衛生實施管理辦法」時,能做為專責管理單位與專職管理人員設置參考因素之一。


After the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) was issued by the Presi-dent of ROC in July, 2013 and officially put into implementation on July 3rd, 2014. It is quite different from the Labor Safety and Health Act not only in the title of act but also in the clauses and details, moreover, its scope of application and range of guaran-tee objects is expanded. Consequently, the Act certainly will have a mark effect on en-terprises, especially when the standard for the third category of industry to establish safety and health organization and personnel structure is not so rigorous and complete as that for the primary and secondary categories of industries, how to respond to the implementation of OSHA. This study takes banking industries as research object, in-vestigating whether amendment of the OSHA to meets the trend of international occu-pational safety and health and prevents the emerging occupational injuries and risks caused by changes of global industrial forms, and the work nature of banking industry just meets the form. Through in-depth interview and literature review, the findings ob-tained in the study are as follows: 1, the time-and-space backgrounds of occupational injuries are now different from those in the past, and the injuries are most occupational diseases caused by long time accumulation and hard to identify; once occupational in-juries occur, the employer shall bear the burden of proof; 2, although no penalty is spe-cified in Article 5 of OSHA, it is still the liability of an employer, which indicates that the responsibilities that the employer shall take charge of are not limited to the OSHA, and the employees can claim for a civil or criminal compensation for injuries; 3, due to the work nature of banking industry, the employees may suffer new emerging diseases such as musculoskeletal diseases, injuries caused by shift works and workplace violence, so it is quite necessary to conduct evaluation, analysis and precautions; 4, the progress of banking industry in occupational safety and health issues shall not be reduced with the excuse of being the third industry; in addition, since its branches spread all over Taiwan and more than a hundred of them are quite large in size, the headquarters have the duties to manage, plan and supervise the issues of occupational safety and health at each branch. Based on this results, the influence of OSHA on banking industry in its future development is considerable, the governmental administrative agencies shall consider the enterprise scales and new emerging occupational damage patterns, to take it as one referential factor for setting professional management unit and specialized management personnel when amending the Rules for the Implementation and Management of Occupational Safety and Health.


王豫萱、胡昌亞(2013),〈再探組織認同之本質:2002 ~ 2012 之研究回顧與前瞻〉,《人力資源管理學報》,第13卷第4期,107-137。
