  • 學位論文


Technique Development of P2P Smart Home for Internet of Thing

指導教授 : 陳自強


智慧家庭為未來必然之趨勢,在技術逐漸成熟的當下,產業焦點逐漸轉至客廳中的電視。一直以來,電視佔據了家中客廳必備家電之首要選項,隨著Android系統的崛起,電視產業也紛紛加入Android這樣的演化因素。現今,Android智慧電視盒在市場中的佔有率已逐年成長,智慧電視的普及將有助於智慧家庭以及物聯網的發展。 智慧電視平台於一般情況下是使用Wi-Fi無線網路來進行連線,然而智慧電視平台與使用者之間存在著一定的觀賞距離,這段間隔將可能帶給使用者額外的開銷或是不方便。因此本論文的主題一,將使用Android智慧電視盒做為開發平台,然後結合智慧行動裝置中的遠端操控軟體來建立一款應用程式引導使用者設定智慧電視平台之Wi-Fi無線網路。在完成Wi-Fi的設定後,將具備基礎的網際網路連線能力,身為智慧家庭物聯網中心的智慧電視平台,其與客戶端之間的網路環境存在著許多擴展應用上的阻礙,例如當兩者藉由同一個路由器或私人子網域上網時,單純的網路環境對兩者之間的通訊影響不大,但若是兩者使用不同的路由器或私人子網域時,這樣的複雜網路環境將阻礙部分程式的正常運作。因此,本論文的另一個主題,將以WebDAV功能搭配逆向SSH通道(Reverse SSH Tunnel)來提供使用者一個穿透複雜網路環境的選擇,並依此進一步在智慧電視盒上實現P2P個人雲端硬碟的功能。


Smart home is an inevitable trend in the future. With the development of science and technology, the focus of industry gradually goes to the living room TV. TV has been dominated by home household appliances necessary options where the evolution of the television industry has joined the factor of Android with the rise of the Android system. Nowadays, the market share of Android smart TV boxes has been growing year by year. Additionally, the popularity of smart TV will help the development of smart home and the internet of things. Smart TV platform in general is to use Wi-Fi to connect networks. Because there is a certain distance between a smart TV platform and a user, this interval may give a user additional overhead or inconvenience. Thus, the first theme of this thesis adopts Android as a development platform for a smart TV box, and then integrates the remote control app in smart mobile devices to create an application that guiding a user how to set up Wi-Fi in a smart TV platform. After completion of Wi-Fi setting, it only has a basic network connectivity, but there are still many obstacle factors between the client and smart TV platform. For example, when the internet connection using the same router that is a simple network environment, but if using different routers that become a complex network environment, it will be a problem for many applications. Thus, another subject of this thesis employs WebDAV and reverse SSH tunnel to provide the user a choice to penetrate the complex network environment, and then to realize the P2P personal cloud on a smart TV box.


P2P smart TV Android smart home personal cloud


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