  • 學位論文


Action Research of Carrying out Using Tablet PC Courses for Middle-Aged and Elder Adults

指導教授 : 陳毓璟


本研究旨在探討中高齡者參與平板電腦課程之學習歷程,包含動機、過程中所遭遇的困境和因應方式,並了解中高齡者的學習收穫,最後發展一個適合中高齡者的平板電腦課程。採用行動研究方法,邀請嘉義縣大林與竹崎兩個地區65名50歲以上中高齡者參與平板電腦課程,課程共實施三期,每一期的授課時數24小時,分成8堂課進行,每堂課程三小時,一週兩堂課,一期一個月。研究工具以課堂觀察紀錄和訪談資料作為質性資料的蒐集,課程後以立意取樣方式共選取14名參與者作為訪談對象,了解中高齡者的學習歷程和收獲,從三期課程的實施發展一個適合中高齡者的平板電腦課程。透過資料分析,歸納結論摘述如下: 壹、 中高齡者參與平板電腦課程的學習動機與先備經驗 一、 中高齡者學習平板電腦動機出自需求、興趣、求知與社交,參與動機相當多元 二、 教師、助教與志工們的協助、鼓勵與激勵對高齡者的課程表現有相當大的幫助,而年長的高齡學習者課程表現與參與動機或先備知識有直接關聯性,年輕的中高齡學習者則非如此 貳、 中高齡者參與平板電腦課程的學習障礙 一、 中高齡者由於注意力下降與記憶力減退而影響學習,造成中高齡者缺乏學習自信心,並且依賴熟悉的介面,形成心理層面的學習障礙 二、 年長高齡者的學習困境深受生理障礙與識字能力所影響,在課堂中尤其感受到視力退化與聽力障礙的不便 三、 操作過程中,年長高齡者會因為視力退化與觸覺不靈敏,以及識字困難,而增加操作平板電腦的障礙 參、 中高齡者參與平板電腦課程的因應策略 一、 課程中專心聽講、勤抄筆記、勇於發問與不缺課有助於中高齡者學習平板電腦 二、 認真練習,勇於嘗試,讓中高齡者能夠促進平板電腦學習,跨越學習障礙 三、 課程助教、志工的幫忙,尤其是家人的協助和支持對中高齡者學習平板電腦的過程助益良多,志工更加熟悉平板電腦的操作 參、 中高齡者參與平板電腦課程之學習收穫 一、 拍照和按讚是普遍中高齡者最容易上手的平板電腦功能,上傳照片、輸入文字與Youtube位居第二 二、 拍照以及Facebook動態功能和通訊軟體的訊息互動是中高齡者最常使用的平板電腦功能 三、 中高齡者學習平板電腦確實提升與家人朋友的互動關係與情感,也使得日常生活更加便利,增加生活樂趣,減少晚年孤寂感 肆、 適合中高齡初學者的平板電腦課程 一、 平板電腦課程的設計著重實用與立即應用性,符合中高齡者的學習需求 二、 面對中高齡者多元的學習動機與獨特的學習特性,教師必須以耐心、用心、愛心對待,並且循序漸進的教學 三、 場地安排符合中高齡者的生理特性,班級人數應低於15人,教室安排宜讓年紀較大、生理功能差者坐前排 四、 適合中高齡者的平板電腦課程應加強複習,初階平板電腦課程內容為基本操作、拍照、攝影與瀏覽,進階平板電腦課程另加入資料搜尋,增加中高齡者自行獲取資料的能力 最後,根據本研究結果發現,針對相關單位、教師與未來研究提出建議。


This study aims to discuss the processes of learning of middle-aged and elder adults participating in the courses of Tablet PC. The content of the research includes motivations, the difficulties met during the course and how to respond accordingly, understand what the middle-aged and elder adults benefit from the course, and eventually develop a Tablet PC course suitable for middle-aged and elder adults. The researcher takes the research method of action research, inviting 65 middle-aged and elder adults who are above50 years old living around Da-Lin and Ju-Chi of Chia-Yi county to take course of Tablet PC. 3 sessions are in the course, and each session accounts for totally 24 hours, which are divided evenly into 8 classes, and during the session, 2 classes are given in a week during one month. The research tools are the in-class observation notes and interview contents, which are qualitative collective data. After the end of the whole course, the researcher takes the method of purposive sampling to select 14 participants in total to be interviewed for understanding the learning process and gains. Then, from the execution of the 3 sessions of courses, the researcher continually develops a Tablet PC course which is suitable for middle-aged and elder adults. Through data analysis, the researcher brings out the conclusions as follows: A. Learning motivation and prior knowledge of middle-aged and elder adults taking Tablet PC courses. 1. Middle-aged and elder adults learning Tablet PC are mainly for needs, interests, enthusiasm for learning and social contact, which we can see the motivations are very diversified. 2. The assistance, encouragement, and urge benefit the elder learners a lot. Meanwhile, how the elder learners perform in the course are relative to their participating motivations and prior knowledge; on the other hand, this observation doesn't apply on the rather young middle-aged learners. B. Learning obstacles of middle-aged and elder adults taking Tablet PC courses. 1. The fact of attention drops and memory decline affect the learning of middle-aged and elder adults, which brings out the fact that the learners are lack of learning confidence, and rely on the familiar interface and also grow learning obstacles mentally. 2. Affected by physiological obstacles and reading abilities, the learning difficulties of the middle-aged and elder adults vary. The elder learners have more inconveniences to learn with the degeneration of their eyesight and listening. 3. During the process of operation, the elder learners obtain more difficulties for the reasons of degeneration of their eyesight, rather blunt tactile sense as well as literacy difficulties. C. Adaptive strategies for middle-aged and elder adults taking Tablet PC courses. 1. Listening carefully, keeping notes, dare to ask questions and no class-sipping, the four tips are helpful for middle-aged and elder learners for learning Tablet PC. 2. To practice hard, try hard enable to promote Tablet PC learning and overcome learning obstacles for middle-aged and elder learners. 3. The help of course teaching assistants and volunteers, especially the support of family benefit middle-aged and elder learners, and enable them to know how to operate Tablet PC better. D. Learning Gains of middle-aged and elder adults who participate in Tablet PC course 1. Generally, taking photos and pressing "like" buttons of facebook are the easiest Tablet PC functions for middle-aged and elder learners. Uploading photos, keying in words and watching Youtube are second easiest. 2. Taking photos, facebook timeline function and communication software are the most often used Tablet PC functions for middle-aged and elder adults. 3. Learning Tablet PC helps middle-aged and elder adults to promote the interactions and relationships with family and friends, and it also allows the daily life of these learners much more convenient, more fun, and less lonely. E. Tablet PC courses suitable for middle-aged and elder new learners. 1. The course teaching shall focus on practicability and immediate usability to meet the learning needs of middle-aged and elder new learners. 2. The teachers shall pay patience, extra care, love in to the teaching and teach gradually to meet the diversified learning motivation and unique learning characteristics of middle-aged and elder learners. 2. To meet the physiological characteristic of middle-aged and elder learners, people shall pay attention to the arrangement of learning site, so the amount of students shall be less than 15 people, and the rather old elders or elders who have worse physiological functions shall sit more in the front. 3. Tablet PC course which are suitable for middle-aged and elder learners shall focus on repetition. Contents of basic level tablet PC course are basic operation, photos taking, video shooting and sites viewing. Contents of advanced level shall be with data search skills to enable the middle-aged and elder learners to gain the ability to retrieve data. Finally, according to the results of this study, the researcher proposes further suggestions to related executive units, teachers and future researches.


