  • 學位論文


The Design and Development of Infrastructured Mutual Assistant Networks

指導教授 : 柯仁松


社交網路及行動上網裝置的普及已經讓人們緊密的結合在一起並隨時能與朋友保持聯繫,然而這也開啟了以人為中心所發展出許多創新應用的潛力,我們提出一個名為互助網路(Mutual Assistant Network, MAN)的新型態應用概念,該互助網路允許人們向特定區域的其他使用者要求提供一些無法在網路上取得的協助或在地的即時訊息(Timely Information),此外,我們描述了互助網路在Android系統平台上的設計與實作方法,為了把在不同行動裝置上安裝新軟體的必要性降到最低,我們選擇使用網路應用程式(Web Application)型態讓詢問者將他們的各種需求透過網頁的形式推送給回覆者,使得回覆者可以利用任意一種網頁瀏覽器(Web Browser)打開詢問者製作的網頁並且直接在該網頁上回覆需求,我們更實作了行動裝置網頁存取框架(Mobile Device Web Access Framework, MDWAF)與編輯工具(Authoring Tool),前者用來解決目前網頁應用程式難以存取行動裝置軟硬體資訊的問題,後者提供使用者簡單、容易操作的工具來完成適合互助網路規範的文件對互助網路進行查詢;符合行動裝置網頁存取框架介面的特殊網頁將能夠存取行動裝置底層的軟硬體資訊,例如照相機或GPS地理資訊,如此回覆者便能更快速方便的回傳詢問者所需的資訊給對方,而不需要再透過其他行動裝置應用軟體,我們還賦予了行動裝置網頁存取框架在行動裝置系統中背景執行的能力,因為一般網頁應用只有在使用者瀏覽網頁時才能開始執行,而許多的應用案例都需要能夠經由某些特定條件觸發的能力,例如比較常見的地理位置服務(Location-Based Service)與接收即時通知訊息等等,因此我們在行動裝置網頁存取框架中加入了事件管理元件,讓網頁應用可以藉由新增監聽事件來進行背景服務,更能貼近原生應用程式所能達到的效果。 我們相信互助網路能促進社群互動並且藉由知識分享擴增人們的感官到他們根本無法觸及的地方。




The proliferation of social networks and Internet-enabled mobile devices has allowed people to stay in touch with friends, and thus open up the potential of many novel human-centric applications. We propose one such application called Mutual Assistant Network (MAN). MAN allows people to ask for assistance from other people in a specific region, and share the local and timely information that cannot be obtained in time from the Internet. In addition, we describe the design and implementation of MAN on the Android platform. In order to minimize the necessity of installing software on mobile devices, web-based application is a good way for inquirers submit their queries in web pages which repliers may use any web browsers to view and respond. But these still face some restrict that there are still few of interaction between web application and mobile device such as camera and GPS information. We also implemented Mobile Device Web Access Framework (MDWAF) and Authoring Tools. MDWAF allows a web page to access underlying hardware or software information for repliers to create responses. And Authoring Tools make creating query in Mutual Assistant Network easier for user by simple clicks. We enhanced the basis of Mobile Device Web Access Framework by additional event control component, that allow web page to run in background just like native does by add some events which need to be monitored into MDWAF. Therefore web-based applications will not be terminated when the web page was closed by user but processing in background and wait for trigged by certain specific conditions. That could be used on several applications such as Location-based Service and push message. We believe that MAN may promote social interaction and thus extend the senses of human beings to a normally inaccessible locations via knowledge sharing.


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