  • 學位論文


The Basic Structure of Political Geography of the Yin Dynasty

指導教授 : 郭靜云


本文討論殷商政治地理的基本結構。所謂「殷商」,是指傳世文獻記載盤庚遷殷之後的商朝,約西元前14世紀至西元前11世紀左右。內容包含殷商的地理觀念、空間劃分與大致範圍,以及主要的統治結構等。殷商的地理觀念是四方觀,在政治空間的劃分上分為商、四土、四方,其圖像呈現模式為亞字形,而非以往學者常用的方形。其中商代表殷商的「中心」,指今河南安陽殷墟,在甲骨文中還有各種不同的稱呼。以往學者認為「商」還可指一個廣大空間概念的論點,如商王國、王畿等,並沒有明確根據;四土是殷商的勢力範圍;四方是殷商勢力的邊緣區。在甲骨文中,也可看出殷商與四土較親近,而與四方的關係較疏遠。 從考古發掘來看「商(殷墟)」的性質,可知無論是遺址的發展、規模與居民結構,作為都城的殷墟可說是一個獨立個體。與甲骨文中「商」的意義相符,故不必認為「商」的概念一定要指很大的範圍。 對於政治空間的劃分,不少學者認為殷商有一個廣大範圍的王畿區,即商王直轄地,並與甲骨文中「商」的概念相結合。但是「畿」字甲骨文或西周金文未見,傳世文獻的記載也有一些問題。因此,無法斷定殷商有廣闊的王畿區概念。 在殷商政治空間的統治結構部分,主要有王、子、婦、侯、族、方,「王」是殷商的最高統治者,居於中央都城「商」。「子」為王的宗族,多數居於都城,部分位於四土。「婦」是王與子的配偶,是殷商與各個宗族聯姻而來,多數居於都城,一部分的人擁有土地。「侯」則位於四土。其中甲骨文中的「伯」並非多數學者所說的「伯爵」,而是「首領」的意思。「族」則是最基本也是最多的組織,遍布整個殷商的政治空間。以「方」為名的各族不臣屬於殷商,位於殷商勢力的邊緣區。另外,甲骨文中的方,應當是周代文獻記載的「方伯」之制的根源。


分封 統治結構 四方 四土 殷墟 政治空間 地理觀念 甲骨文


This article discusses the basic structure of political geography of the Yin Dynasty. Content includes geographical concepts, spatial planning and its approximate coverage, and the main governing structure etc. The geographical concepts of Yin Dynasty were the Concept of Four Directions (Four Fang). It was divided into political space of Shang, Four Lands (Four Tu), and Four Directions. It can be depicted as shape of the Chinese characters 亞 rather than a square, that said by previous scholars. The “Shang” was the "center" of the Yin Dynasty, referring to Yin Xu in Anyang today. In Oracle bones, there are also a variety of different names referring to the same concept. Previously, scholars believe that "Shang" can refer to a vast space, such as the Shang Kingdom, or the king's territory etc., has no concrete evidence. Four Lands was territory of the Yin Dynasty. Four Directions was the peripheral of the power of Yin Dynasty. Oracle bones also show that the relationship between Yin Dynasty and Four Lands is closer than the one between Yin Dynasty and Four Directions. Based on the archaeological evidences of the site of "Shang (Yin Xu)", from the perspectives of development, size and inhabitant structure, Yin Xu, as a capital, can be said to be an independent entity. It is consistent with the concept of "Shang" in the Oracle Bones. Thus, it is unnecessary to think that the concept of "Shang" must refer to a vast space. For the division of political space, many scholars believe that the Yin Dynasty had a broad area of king's territory, and combined this with the concept of "Shang" in Oracle bones. However, the Chinese character “畿” (means king's Territory) has not found in Oracle Bone or Western Zhou Bronze inscriptions, and the records of classic texts are also questionable. Therefore, it is impossible to conclude that Yin Dynasty had the concept of a vast king's territory. In the main governing structure of the Yin Dynasty, there are Wang (King), Zi (Prince), Fu (Lady), Hou (Marquis), Zu (Groups), and Fang (Country). “King” is the supreme ruler of the Yin Dynasty, live in the central capital “Shang”. “Prince” belongs to the clan of the king, most of them live in the capital, but some in the Four Lands. "Lady" is the spouse of king and princes, formed from marriage between Yin and other clans, majority of them live in the capital, some of them own the land. Marquis is located in Four Lands. In Oracle bones, "Bo" does not mean "count", but it means "leader". "Groups" are the most fundamental and largest in number organizations, which located all over the political space of Yin Dynasty. Ethnic groups referred as "Fang" does not subordinate to the Yin Dynasty. They were located at the peripheral of the power of Yin Dynasty. In addition, the Zhou's system of "Fang Bo" was originated from fang in the Oracle Bones.




