  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Reasons of the Foreign Labors Get Missed In Taiwan

指導教授 : 馬財專


政府於1989年10月正式首度引進外籍勞工之後,各種行業別的外籍勞工陸續開放申請,使得臺灣外籍勞工人數不斷攀升,而許多外籍勞工因各種原因離開原雇主並滯留臺灣,不願意返回母國,造成許多的行蹤不明外籍勞工,本研究旨在探討現今影響外籍勞工行蹤不明原因。 本研究分別訪談不明行蹤外籍勞工、非法雇主、查緝機關及人力仲介公司等四方面人員試著分析成為或造成行蹤不明外勞之原因,經其訪談資料分析發現,外籍勞工受其他外勞的慫恿、聘僱期限將屆滿、工作量龐大、溝通不良、生活、工作無法適應、仲介費太高及性騷擾等原因而選擇離開原核准工作場所,非法雇主則因供需失調、經濟條件上無法支付更高的薪資聘僱本國人及外籍勞工配合度好等原因選擇聘僱行蹤不明外籍勞工。 本研究提出可以減少外籍勞工發生行蹤不明動機之建議如下: 1. 強化雇主直接聘僱功能; 2. 降低申請外籍家庭幫傭條件門檻; 3. 對於行蹤不明外籍勞工應有裁罰機制; 4. 家事勞動法之催生; 5. 建立查緝績效獎勵機制; 6. 嚴懲非法人力仲介業者; 7. 輔導傳統3K(即骯髒、危險、辛苦)產業轉型或升級; 8. 增加私立就業服務機構從事跨國人力仲介服務品質評鑑指標項目之建議。


Following October 1989 when the Taiwanese government first legalized the importation of foreign workers, various business sectors have gradually opened up application for foreign workers to work in Taiwan, causing the number of foreign workers in Taiwan to increase continually. Many foreign workers have fled from their original employer for various reasons and remained in Taiwan, refusing to return to their home country. Consequently, this resulted in numerous foreign workers whose whereabouts are unknown. This study investigates the reason causing the unknown whereabouts of foreign workers. In this study, we interviewed foreign workers whose whereabouts were unknown, employers who have hired illegal foreign workers, and employees from foreign-worker investigation offices and human resource agencies, to analyze the reason causing the whereabouts of foreign workers to become unknown. An analysis of the interview data revealed that factors prompting foreign workers to leave their original legitimate workplace are as follows: instigation of other foreign workers, expired employment period, heavy workload, miscommunication, living environment, inadaptability to work, overly high placement fee, and sexual harassment. Employers typically hire foreign workers whose whereabouts are unknown for the following reasons: imbalance between supply and demand, inability to afford high-pay Taiwanese citizens, and foreign workers are highly cooperative. This study proposes the following recommendations for discouraging foreign workers to leave their whereabouts unknown: 1. Direct hiring services for employers can be strengthened; 2. The threshold for applying foreign domestic helper can be reduced; 3. Mechanisms for punishing foreign workers whose whereabouts are unknown should be established; 4. Household labor laws and regulations should be developed; 5. Incentive mechanisms for performance in investigations related to foreign workers should be devised; 6. Human resource agencies that help employers hire illegal foreign workers should be severely punished; 7. Guidance for facilitating the transformation or development of traditional 3D (i.e., dirty, dangerous, and difficult) industries should be provided; 8. And additional private employment service agencies that assess the service quality of transnational human resource agencies should be established.




