  • 學位論文


Sion Related Policies and Laws of Foreign Home Care Workers -In Chiayi counties Case

指導教授 : 馬財專 博士


隨著醫藥進步,平均餘命延長,台灣已進入高齡化社會,老年的安養照護日益增加,台灣人口結構老化快速,隨著社會急遽變遷,家庭功能降低及婦女走出家庭就業等情形,使得愈來愈多老人必須仰賴機構或家庭外籍看護工來提供長期照顧。長期照顧服務法的通過,使保障對象不再只限失能者,同時也將家庭照顧者一併納入,以健全長照體制。 台灣自1992年開放外籍家庭看護工以來,外籍家庭看護工的人數逐年快速成長。根據勞動部2015年統計資料,外勞在臺總數58萬6,273人,社福外勞有22萬多人。外籍家庭看護工及外籍幫傭之工作適應不僅需要政府部門的關心,更需要仲介業者的重視和輔導。若能針對保障人權的角度,適當給予外籍看護工基本的保障,給予工作者適當的休息及喘息時間,不僅是尊重每一位工作者,更能建立勞雇雙方彼此良善的互動關係,讓受照顧者得到更妥適及彼此尊重的照顧方式。此研究目的有: 一、外籍家庭看護工聘僱與管理之現況。 二、透過訪談了解外籍家庭看護工勞動狀態與相關法令政策之規定。 三、外籍家庭看護工與我國長期照顧人力供需之檢視。 長期照顧服務法立法目的為健全長期照顧服務體系提供長期照顧服務,確保照顧及支持服務品質, 發展普及、多元及可負擔之服務,保障接受服務者與照顧者之尊嚴及權益。將家庭外籍看護工納入長期照顧服務法定義的人力之列,讓他們擁有職前、在職訓練與適當休息的機會,照顧服務品質朝向穩定與提昇的方向邁進。 關鍵字:外籍家庭看護工、人力仲介、長期照顧


Summary As medicine advances , average life extension of Taiwan has entered the aging society , increasing nursing care of the elderly , the structure of Taiwan's population aging rapidly , with the social sharply changes, family functioning and reducing the employment situation of women out of the home , the more so to the more elderly people must rely on foreign agencies or home care workers to provide long-term care . Through long-term care services law that safeguards the object is no longer limited to those with disabilities , family caregivers will also be included to improve long-term care system. Taiwan since 1992, open foreign home care workers, the number of foreign home care workers each year to grow rapidly. According to Lao Dongbu 2015 statistics , the total number of foreign workers in Taiwan 580,000 6,273 people , the welfare of foreign workers there are more than 220,000 people . Care workers and foreign domestic helpers working foreigners adapt not only need to be concerned government departments , the agency needs more industry attention and counseling. For if the angle of protection of human rights , appropriate to give basic protection of foreign care workers , giving workers proper rest and respite , not only respect for every worker , the establishment of the two sides to better interaction between employers and employees goodness , let by caregivers get more Botox and respect each other's way to take care of . Objective of this study are: First, the status of the hiring of foreign domestic workers and care management . Second, through interviews with foreign domestic care workers to understand the state of the labor related laws and policies . Third, foreign domestic workers and care of long-term care manpower supply and demand of view. Long-term Care Services Act provides the legislative purpose to improve the long-term care service system for long-term care services , care and support services to ensure the quality, popularity development , diversity and affordability of services, protect the interests of service providers and to accept the dignity and the caregiver . The families of foreign workers into the care of long-term care services for the definition of human law of the column, so that they have pre-service , in-service training and opportunities for proper rest and care towards service quality and enhance the stability of direction. Keywords : foreign home care workers , human agency , long-term care


陳正芬, (2011),「雙軌分立的長期照顧體系:照顧服務員國際與品質的抉擇岔路」,台灣社會研究季刊 85: 381-395.
