  • 學位論文

傾聽內在心世界- 內向性格學生的自我認同與禪修實踐

Listen to the World of Inner Heart - Introverted Student's Self-Identity and Practice of Meditation Learning

指導教授 : 王雅玄


研究者深受自身的內向性格所苦,欲藉由禪修學習做為尋找自我的方式。在禪修學習期間,走訪了兩位內向性格禪修學生,期能體解內向者在外/內在世界中的生命處境與人我互動,以及禪修學習歷程如何影響自我認同的轉化,在內向者被社會建構的形象中,找到另一條可能的出路,重新發現自我與看待世界的角度。 經由探訪之後,研究者發現兩位內向性格學生對內向的定義也受到社會偏見所影響,充滿了負面評價,很多負面經驗置入內向敘說中。透過禪修學習,內向性格的禪修學生轉變了原有的認知觀點,他們省思外向並不是唯一的標準,會以更超然的心去看待自己和他人的特質。同時也變的更肯定、接納自己,善用正向的內向特質來幫助禪修學習,突破負向內向特質帶給自己的限制。 禪修學習的目的不是強迫改造自己以適應社會,而是著重於觀念和心境的變化,找回重新面對世界的力量。此生命尋腳的旅途也幫助研究者自身從否定、承認到肯定自己的性格,進一步透過禪修學習的深入,試圖擺脫內/外向的框架,超越性格的二元對立,以成就圓滿人格為目標,在這一條道路上不斷大步往前。 關鍵詞:內向性格 禪修學習 自我認同 轉化學習 敘說研究


I have suffered from my introverted personality deeply, trying to find a way of self-searching by meditation learning. During the learning of meditation, I visited two introverted students who also learned with meditation. I hope to understand the situation of life and the interaction with people, which are contained in inherent or extrinsic worlds of introverts. Furthermore, I expect to find out how the process of meditation learning affects the transformation of self-identity. Finally, I wish to find another possible way to rediscover myself and the angle to see the world from the socially constructed image of introverts. After the visits of two introverted students, I found social prejudices affect their definition of introversion which fulfill with negative comments. Many negative experiences were placed within their narratives of introversion. Introverted students change the original cognitive point of view through meditation learning. They ponder that extraversion is not the only criteria, and treat others and their own traits with a transcend heart. They become more self-confident and self-accepted at the same time, use of characteristics of positive introversion to help meditation learning, and break their limit on characteristics of negative introversion. The purpose of meditation learning is not forced oneself to adapt to the transformation of whole society, but rather focuses on the concept and the change of mind, and finds the power to face the world. Different from being self-denial, this life-searching journey also help the researcher to become more recognitory and more affirmatory, go deep through meditation learning, try to get rid of the framework of introversion and extraversion, beyond the opposition of dualistic character. With the achievement of successful personality, Icontinue to stride forward on this road. Keywords: introverted, meditation learning, self-identity, transformation, narrative research


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