  • 學位論文


A Research on the Experience of Uncovering Stolen Scooters:Police Officers in the Special Project on Theft-tracking

指導教授 : 馬躍中 博士 許華孚 博士


竊盜案件的發生,影響民生至巨,在其案件破獲率又以機車竊盜所占的破獲量最大,俗話說:「徒法不足以自行」,此發揮良好刑罰迅速性與確定性的偵察數據,突顯擔任破獲贓車的警察人員在執法角色功能上表現的可圈可點。 破獲贓車的警政制度中,有一群默默耕耘,每日拿著警用小電腦,輸入眼前所見的機車車牌,以確定是否為贓車的查抄機車肅竊專案警察人員,其等面對外勤工作寒風吹、風雨淋的工作環境以及面對績效壓力下的諸多的不確定性,各中的甘苦,深值探究,並藉其面對破獲贓車的工作經驗,探求防弊與興利並重的相關建議。 研究中以質性深度訪談法,邀請曾擔任順風專案查抄機車肅竊專案年資3年以上的警察人員6名為研究參與者,研究發現如下: 擔任此項勤務之起源大部分為主管指派,抱著一份使命感與自我挑戰的想法作嘗試。查抄破獲的機車竊盜案件,犯罪行為人的年齡並不一定;犯罪手法以破壞鎖頭、使用萬能鑰匙占大部分;犯罪的時點為凌晨半夜。機車車主因一時的疏忽未拔鑰匙,亦為案件發生的起因;大量放置車輛的地點是被害區域也是查抄破獲的領域。查抄破獲機車已有一套標準作業流程。工作中最得意之事在於找到贓車能為機車車主解決交通工具的難題。機車車主誠摯的感謝是工作成果的最高價值。達到績效目標時所獲得的後效增強猶如間歇增強中變異比率式後效強化,滿懷喜悅與成就。以正向信念與健康調適壓力行為面對績效目標無法達成時的低潮。對於此份挑戰性的勤務工作給予高度的自我評價。


The clear up rate for stolen scooters are very high, which means the police officers responsible for this are doing excellent jobs. This brings the "speediness" and "certainty" of penalty into full play. In our police system, there is a group of police officers who carry around their mini-computer while patrolling, they enter all license plates they see to make sure whether the scooters were stolen. they are known as "the team member of the special project on theft tracking". These police officers work under uncertainties including challenging weather conditions as well as achievement pressures, their stories are worth studying. Furthermore, the researcher would like to look into their working experience and come up with a practical suggestion. The researcher utilizes in-depth interview in qualitative research and interviewed six officers with over three years of experience in the special project on theft tracking. The researcher found that: Most police officers were assigned by their directors when they started this job, with a strong sense of responsibility and the idea of testing their limits, they took it. In the uncovered theft cases, criminal ages scattered across the spectrum. The majority of criminals steal scooters at midnight by damaging the lock cylinder or using an universal key. In some cases, the scooter owner forgot to take the keys with them after they parked. Places that parks a great quantity of scooters are the victimization zone as well as the crime-solving zone. The special project on theft tracking has developed a SOP. The greatest thing in this job is to uncover the stolen scooters and solve the owner's transportation problem; while being appreciated by the owners is the most valuable thing. The contingent reinforcement after reaching the achievement goal is similar to the variable ratio contingent reinforcement in intermittent reinforcement, which filled the police officers with happiness and joy. The police officers in this project will face the lump when they cannot achieve their accomplishment goal with positive beliefs and adjust their pressure with healthy behaviors. Police officers in this challenging project have high self-evaluation.


汪慧玲、沈佳生(2011)。托兒所教保員專業信念之研究。正修學報,24, 127-143。
