  • 學位論文


Department of Labor Relations National Chung Cheng University Master Thesis

指導教授 : 楊通軒 博士


維護勞工尊嚴之根本就是保障其身體之健康,當發生職業災害時,不論政府或雇主都應給予受災者最大限度之保障。在台灣,勞工保護政策是以民法為基礎,以勞工保險條例之「無過失主義」給予定額定率補償。《勞工安全衛生法》施行後,加諸雇主在「過失責任」之刑責。《勞動基準法》之頒布更加諸於雇主之「無過失補償責任」。當再修《民法債編》時,又增僱用人之「無過失賠償責任」,更於2002年施以《職業災害勞工保護法》對受災勞工之救助與重建。 職業病可視為職業原因所導致之疾病,其罹病原因相當複雜,其發生有可能是立即性,或是經過長時間才發病,或是漸進式的加重症狀。要判定雇主對勞工是否應負補償責任之前,要先確認勞工所罹病是否與其工作間具有因果關係,是否職業引起之結果。 人的生理及心理方面之能力是有限制的,需利用人因工程尋求改善機械設備及工作環境,以使該機具系統及作業環境能配合人之能力、限制和需求。重機械操作在人因工程設計中,包含人員、介面和環境等三個控制要素。造成的肌肉骨骼系統傷害之風險,其成因大多以座椅設計不良、人機介面不相容、重覆性操作、休息時間不足等因素。其他環境方面的熱危害、振動危害、噪音危害等也是一環。 操作重機械因振動引起的傷害可藉由人因工程改善。然而,早期的重機械在系統設計上是不完全成熟,其操作桿為機械式,每次操作只能單獨一個控制,手腳不停施力下造成肢體傷害,椅背又不能調整高度及仰彎角度,在背部無法貼靠椅背下,只能使用腰力來支橕身體之平衡,長期下來自然造成身體之病變。 本文訪談14位及問卷51位操作人員,從結論分析發現,早期從事重機械的操作勞工,經長期振動暴露所產生的疾病與文獻探討中的資料是吻合的。因此期望透過探討後的資料提出,政府能給予這群勞工以通案的方式予以協助與照顧。


The fundamental in maintaining the respect to worker is to protect the health of their bodies. When an incidence occurs, both government agency and employers should to the best they could to help the victims. In Taiwan, the labor protection policy is based on civil laws. The victims were compensated on fixed amount and fixed rate following the “no-fault doctrine.” The Occupational Safety & Health Act generally imposes employers the criminal responsibility due to faculty liability. The announcement of the Labor Standard Act again imposes the employers with “non-faculty compensation liability.” The revision of the Part of Obligations of the Civil Code also incorporates the “non-faculty reparation liability.” The 2002 Act for Protecting Worker of Occupational Accidents provides help, support, and reconstruction to the victims. Occupational illnesses are caused by occupational reasons. The reasons the causes illnesses are complicated. Symptoms of occupational illnesses may present immediately, after a long period, or becoming more and more serious. Before the responsibility of the employer may be determined, we must determine whether the illness is job-related. People have physical and mental limitations in their capabilities. To fulfill the capabilities, limitations, and requirements for workers, using ergonomic principles to improve machine and working environment is essential. Heavy machinery ergonomic designs consider factors such as human, interface, and environment. Factors contributing to the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) include improper chair design, repetitive tasks, and lack of rest. Heat stress, vibration, and noise are also environmental factors for MSD. The injury due to vibration when operating heavy machinery may be reduced via intervention of ergonomics. However, the designs of the machinery decades ago were immature. Such machinery is operated using mechanical stick. One control can be accessed for each operation. The arm and leg have to apply forceful exertion continuously. This could lead to injuries. The back rest cannot be adjusted to support the trunk. The lumbar needs to support the body. Body illness could occur after long period exposure like these. Fourteen heavy machinery operators were interviewed. An additional 51 workers were surveyed. This study found that the illness history of operators who operated old machinery were consistent with those in the literature. It is recommended that workers who suffered musculoskeletal illness be compensated as supported both from the employers and from the government agency.


