  • 學位論文


The Kinematics Analysis of Rotational and Glide Shot Put Techniqne of Elite Males Shotputter

指導教授 : 王順正


目的:本研究目的在分析旋轉式與滑步式之兩種不同動作技術在雙腳支撐階段、投擲階段、釋放階段的關鍵運動學參數,並進一步瞭解不同運動技術表現的關鍵運動學參數與投擲距離之相關性。方法:利用一台數位攝影機來拍攝八名優秀鉛球運動選手,將所獲得的影像透過Kwon 3D動作分析系統進行數位化,再將所獲得的原始資料以Butterworth 4th-order low pass filter進行修勻,並進一步計算跨步距離、出手之高度、速度與角度,以及各階段動作之軀幹、大腿、小腿與腳掌的關節運動表現。最後將各項資料以描述性統計進行計算平均數與標準差,以獨立樣本t檢定考驗旋轉式與滑步式兩種動作之各項關鍵運動學參數的差異,並使用皮爾森積差相關分別瞭解不同動作技術之投擲距離與各項關鍵運動學參數之相關性,顯著水準為α = .05。結果:本研究結果發現,旋轉式與滑步式在投擲距離、跨步距離、出手高度、出手速度、出手角度並未有差異;旋轉式與滑步式的總時間達顯著差異;滑步式之總時間與出手速度達顯著負相關;在不同動作技術表現上,旋轉式與滑步式之選手的小腿在投擲階段的角度變化與小腿角速度在投擲階段的角速度變化達顯著差異;此外,不同動作技術下肢投擲距離與跨步距離、出手高度、出手速度、出手角度並未有相關,但旋轉式之大腿在投擲階段的角度變化、小腿在釋放階段的角度變化皆與出手速度達顯著正相關,但與小腿角度變化在投擲階段、大腿角度變化在釋放階段達顯著負相關;而滑步式選手之軀幹角度變化在投擲階段與出手高度達顯著負相關,且軀幹角度變化在雙腳支撐階段也與出手角度達顯著負相關。另外,出手高度與旋轉式選手之大腿角速度變化在投擲階段達顯著負相關,但小腿角速度與出手高度達顯著正相關,而出手速度與旋轉式選手的軀幹角速度變化、大腿角速度變化在投擲階段、小腿角速度變化在釋放階段達顯著負相關,但與大腿在釋放階段的角速度變化達顯著正相關;而出手高度與滑步式的軀幹角速度在釋放階段達顯著正相關,但與小腿角速度則達顯著負相關,但出手速度與滑步式選手的軀幹角速度變化則是在雙腳支撐階段達顯著正相關。結論:不同投擲技術存在著動作之差異,且整體動作時間表現以旋轉式較短暫,但各階段動作時間則是相似的。


Purpose: The study was to analysis the crucial kinematics between both of the difference shot put technique at the double-support phase, throwing phase and release phase, and the correlation analysis with the crucial kinematics among the different shot put technique. Methods: By using a camera to capture the throwing motion of the 8 elite shot putters. The 2-D video of the digital and raw data smoothing are using the Kwon 3D motion analysis system. To calculate the step-length, release height, release velocity, release angle, and the angular and angular velocity vary in the lower extremity at the throwing motion phases. Using the Independent-Samples t Test to understand the different throwing technique during the throwing motion, in addition, the different throwing technique for the all kinematics parameters of the relationship were used the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient for the test, the significant difference was set α = .05. Results: Between the shot put techniques, there was no significant difference in the throwing distance, step-length, release height, release velocity and release angle, but the vary in the angle and angle velocity of the shank, and the total time was found the significant difference between the different shot put techniques. The total time, vary in the angle of the trunk, and vary in the angle velocity of the shank of the glide technique were significant negative relationship with release velocity, but there were significant positive relationship of vary in the angle velocity of the trunk at the release phase and double support phase with the release height. For the rotational technique, we found the release height was significant positive relationship with vary in the angle thigh at the release phase, with vary in the angle of the thigh at the throwing phase, and vary in the angle of the shank at the release, but the release height was significant negative relationship with the vary in the angle velocity of the thigh, the release velocity was significant negative relationship with vary in the angle of the shank at the throwing phase and vary in the angle of the thigh at the release phase, and vary in the angle velocity of the trunk, thigh, and shank. Discussion: Different throwing techniques, there are differences between the action and the overall performance of the operating time compared to rotary short, but each stage is similar to the action time


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