  • 學位論文

警察機關勤區查察處理系統運作狀況之研究- 以雲林縣警察局為例

A Study of the Operation of Home Visitation Processing System-A Case Study of Yunlin County Police Bureau

指導教授 : 鄭瑞隆


本研究以警察的立場探討勤區查察處理系統運作狀況之成效,勤區查察處理系統自2008年實施後迄今已逾6年多,此段期間以來,勤區員警對其轉變感受尤其深刻,然而面對家戶訪查方式從紙本到電腦化,雖然勤查系統操作便利,亦能減輕員警的工作負擔,但卻造成警察與社區居民的疏離,而勤區工作則淪為電腦化作業,這並非設置勤查系統之目的,亦非警察工作所樂見。因此,希冀透過與基層勤區員警的訪談,以瞭解如下問題:(一)員警對使用勤查系統時是否能真正瞭解其目的與功能?(二)藉由電子化方式,是否有真正減輕員警工作負擔?(三)社區警政致力於警民合作,藉由彼此間的合作來預防犯罪,現改由電子化方式,是否符合社區警政之目的?(四)員警對於註記方式從紙本轉換成電腦化,認為勤查系統是否符合實際層面或其存在性與否?是否能達成警勤區勤務的目的?(五)員警對於電子化之改變,認為家戶訪查工作更加重要、使得家戶查察更落實?或者僅是淪為電腦作業? 本研究採與基層員警的質化訪談並分為三個方向探討:(一)目前個人執行勤查察處理系統之情況;(二)勤區查察處理系統與社區警政之結合;(三)未來方向與改進之處。經訪談後所得結論分述如下:(一)勤區查察處理系統操作便利,俾利家戶訪查之執行;(二)員警瞭解勤查系統設置目的,認為有助於減輕負擔並改善浪費紙本情況;(三)勤查系統有其存在必要性,但其使家戶訪查工作淪為電腦作業;(四)勤區查察處理系統與社區警政脫鉤。 綜合研究結果,本研究提出三點建議,希冀能使勤查系統更趨完善並能夠達到社區警政之目的,分述如下:(一)落實家戶訪查工作,強化勤區查察處理系統之操作;(二)業務精簡化、社區專責化,以達社區警政之目的;(三)警勤區透過與刑責區的聯繫,強化雙向溝通。


The main purpose of this research is to study operation of police agency home visit processing system. This system has been put into practice since 2008, and police officers have deeply reflected on the transformation of computerization. Although this system is much more user-friendly and reduces the burdens of police’s daily works, it takes apart police officers from local residents, so that police work turns into the operation of computerization. Therefore, the questions of this research include: (1) Do police officers truly realize the purpose and function of this system? (2) Does this system reduce the burdens of police’s daily works from computerization? (3) Does the computerization of this system fit in with the purpose of community policing? (4) Does the computerization of this system achieve the practice and goal of police work? (5) Does this system make household interviews put into practice? Or turn into the operation of computerization? From qualitative interviews, this research has three directions as follows: (1)the present operation of this system; (2)the cooperation of this system and community policing; (3)future direction and improvement. Then, from interviews, the conclusions of this research include:(1)police agency house visit processing system is user-friendly and helps for household interviews; (2)police officers realize the goal of this system, and this system reduces the burdens and costs of police’s daily works; (3) This system turns household interviews into computerization works; (4) this system takes apart from the goal of community policing. Based on the research findings, we hope this system to achieve the goal of community policing, and have three suggestions as follows: (1) the improvement of this system makes household interviews put into practice; (2) the simplification and professionalization of police work achieves the goal of community policing; (3) Through the contact with the Investigator sub-section, general police sub-section enhances the connection between each other.


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