  • 學位論文


Study the Advertising Effects and the Influences of the Reality Advertisement

指導教授 : 曾光華


在茫茫廣告海中,號召「真實」的情境秀廣告巧妙地結合了真人實境秀與廣告的元素,如此新穎的廣告類型儼然成為消費者眼中一顆耀眼的新星,由於在台灣的興起時間不長久且也鮮少有相關研究,探究消費者觀看情境秀廣告後的廣告效果及其影響因素便具有極大的研究價值。 經相關文獻的比較與整理後本研究定義情境秀廣告為訴求真實、使用側錄或偷拍等紀實手法;透過各種方法去刻意建構情境的廣告。為對情境秀廣告做整體的認識並獲取豐碩資料,本研究採取半結構訪談大綱並以深度一對一訪談的方式進行資料蒐集。 研究結果發現情境秀廣告的傳播過程與其他廣告無異,因此在資料分析上也以情境秀廣告影片製作、調節因子、廣告效果三大構面去探討,並在每個構面裡做更加詳盡的說明。 本研究基於研究發現做出實務上的行銷建議,研究者認為和消費者日常生活有高度連結並建立在消費者思考邏輯之上的情境秀廣告越能建構廣告的真實性,另外,當消費者自我層面與參與者層面的心理效果大於真實性效果時,消費者會因自身心理價值被滿足而降低對真實性的評判標準。最後本研究也給予研究限制與後續研究建議的說明。


Out of all kinds of old advertising strategies, the brand new “reality advertisements” has caught customers’ eyes and become attractive with its combination of reality show and advertising design. Nevertheless, reality advertising is still new to Taiwanese market with neither long-term development nor further research, which makes this study a great value by investigating customers’ perception of reality advertising and analyzing its influential variables. As a conclusion after comparing and reorganizing associated papers, this research defines reality advertising as a strategy which emphasizes the reality, secretly records private videos, and intentionally builds a "real scene". In order to have a broad knowledge of reality advertising and to gain sufficient information, this study adopts semi-structured individual in-depth interviews to collect data. The consequences find that the communicating process of reality advertisement is exactly as same as any other advertising strategies. Accordingly, three components can be discussed in data analysis: reality advertisement production, adjustable influences, advertising effects. Each component is explained in detail. This thesis gives practical marketing suggestions based on the results of a sequence of research. According to the research, the researcher believes a reality advertisement which is highly connected to consumers’ daily lives and logically meets consumers’ consciousness is more likely to construct the realness of advertising. On the other hand, when the psychological effect of consumers themselves and participants is stronger than the effect of realness, consumers become more easily to accept the realness of an advertisement since they are mentally satisfied. Lastly, this research also provides limitations and future research advices.


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