  • 學位論文


Intention of using the EAPs-A case of the Employees of the Labor Insurance Bureau

指導教授 : 簡建忠


近年來,職場壓力議題逐漸受到重視,員工為企業最重要的資產,為提升員工生產力及績效,企業皆應重視員工生心理健康,藉由提升員工工作與生活平衡以創造幸福企業的願景。而隨著經濟環境變化及公民意識擴張發展,公務人員在執行公務時經常需要面對民眾抱怨、處理棘手的業務,同時面臨上級長官、民意代表、基層民眾等各方壓力,影響身心健康及生活品質。因此,本研究之目的在於探討勞工保險局員工對員工協助方案的認知程度和態度,並找出影響員工使用員工協助方案意向之因素,進一步探討如何提高員工協助方案辦理之效能。 本研究根據文獻並參考相關研究工具,依據研究目地編製問卷。作者以勞工保險局員工為研究對象,並依各單位員工比例採分層隨機抽樣,共發放問卷538份,回收有效問卷為292份(回收率為52.3%),本研究發現如下: 1. 樣本對勞工保險局推行協助方案態度普遍正向:樣本使用EAPs的「態度」與「行為意向」呈正向相關。 2. 樣本使用EAPs重視服務有用性及易用性:樣本在使用時,重視服務是否是容易使用,使用服務對工作、生活、健康上是否有助益。 3. 樣本使用EAPs易受社會壓力所影響:樣本使用EAPs之「規範信念」、「遵從動機」皆與「主觀規範」呈正向相關,顯示樣本使用EAPs易受到主管和部門同儕的意見及社會壓力影響。 4. 樣本使用EAPs重視自身主導能力:樣本對使用EAPs之「自我效能」、「便利條件」皆正向影響其對EAPs之「知覺行為控制」。顯示樣本使用EAPs時會希望對其需要的資源具有較高的主導能力,可自行選擇彈性的時間、地點及服務方式。


In recent years, the issues of stress at the workplace have been gradually concerned. In order to improve employees’ productivity and performance, organizations should care about employees’ physical and mental health. Due to the change of economic environment and the development of citizenship consciousness, civil servants have to deal with stress from various sources, such as citizens’ complaints, intractable missions, senior officers’ demands, elected representatives, and the general public. All kinds of stress may influence civil servants’ health. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the knowledge and attitudes of employees working for Bureau of Labor Insurance toward Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), and to analyze the factors that may affect employees’ intentions using EAPs. Based on the literature reviews, a written questionnaire is used to collect data. There were 292 questionnaires received with the return rate of 54.3% under a random sampling of 538 subjects. Major findings of the research include: 1. Samples’ attitude of toward EAPs was generally positive. Positive correlation found between samples’ “attitude toward behavior” and “behavior intention” when using EAPs. 2. Samples evaluated the availability and user-friendliness of EAPs. While using EAPs, samples considered the ease of use, and the importance of services to them. 3. Social pressures affected samples’ decisions in using EAPs. There is positive correlation among samples’ “normative belief”, “motivation to comply”, and “subjective norm.” Samples were easily influenced by the opinions and stresses from senior officers and colleagues. 4. Samples considered the capability of self-dominance when using in EAPs. Samples’ “self-efficacy” and “facilitating conditions” positively affected “perceived behavioral control” when samples choosing EAPs. It indicated that samples had strong needs in controlling the time, places, and ways of service.




