  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan Younth Promoting Entrepreneurship Policy During a Period of High Unemployment

指導教授 : 許繼峰


全球失業率自2008年攀升,2009年達到6.2%歷史新高,比2007年增加0.9個百分點顯示,全球經濟體系已陷入高失業風險。我國失業率趨勢大致與全球一致,自2008年開始攀升,2009年金融海嘯時達到5.85%歷史新高。其中青年是各年齡層失業率較高的一群,更值得注意的是,自2009年以後我國整體失業率開始略降,惟2012年20-24歲青年失業率不降反升,顯示青年失業率益加惡化。 為解決全球失業問題,2005年國際勞工大會中提出青年就業政策建議,指出政策應將總體經濟與個體經濟整合考量,以解決勞動市場供需與質量的問題,其中即指出,促進創業為積極性勞動市場政策之一。在促進青年就業全球聯盟的第二次會議中,提出應協助青年發展「4E」能力,其中之一為培養青年創業家精神,因為青年創業不僅提供青年進入勞動市場一條路徑,亦可增加青年就業機會總量。因此,經濟持續不景氣,導致青年失業率居高不下的情況下,瞭解我國青年就業政策中的青年創業政策新措施為何,創業政策於整體青年就業政策中扮演之角色,並分析各項方案使用者之經驗以茲參考。 本研究共訪談11名青年創業者,從研究結果分析發現,2009年以後青年創業政策,除因應青年創業障礙所為之政策,賡續推動財務支持、經驗傳承等協助的政策,此時期青年創業投入經費增加,計畫增多,且將方案或措施層級提高,整合為一政策推動之。新增的計畫則是加強將創業培訓帶入校園,提升青年創業精神、建立網路平台及增加競賽鼓勵措施…等。 行政機關方面,推動創業政策的行政部門增多,惟根據方案使用者經驗,因執行單位散佈過廣,專業性與服務品質差異甚大,加上各部會整合力道不足,因此政策設計與執行明顯有落差,成效有待商榷。政策內容方面,使用者表示政策內涵甚佳,但偏重創業前端協助,仍缺乏中、後期協助。 研究結果顯示,創業者動機多為個人因素,創業人數亦無明顯增加,與政府推動之政策呈現較弱的關聯性,顯示政策鼓勵動能仍不足,以創業增加青年就業機會總量、減少失業率的效益有待加強。最後,透過研究結果,對目前青年創業政策提供幾項建議予以參考。


The global unemployment rate has increased since 2008, and it achieves the highest point 6.2% in 2009, which is 0.9% more than in 2007. Global economic system has already been in high risk of unemployment. The situation of our country is like the global trend, the unemployment rate has started raising since 2008, and achieving the highest point 5.85% while in economic crisis. Especially, the unemployment rate of the juvenile is higher than other ages. It’s worthy to noticing, the whole country unemployment rate has started decreasing, but the age of 20 to 24 unemployment rate is raising rather than decreasing in 2012, which also shows the youth unemployment situation is getting worse. In order to solve the global unemployment problem, the international labor congress offer the employment policies for the youth, which are mentioned macroeconomics and microeconomics should be integrated, to solve the problem of supply & demand, quality of labor market. In which also mentioned one of active labor market policies is encourage starting business. In the second conference of promoting youth employment global league, it notes that we should help the youth to develop the capability of 4E. One of 4E is to develop the entrepreneurship, because it isn’t only offered the juvenile a way to enter labor market, but also enriched the opportunities to get the job. Therefore, the recession of economic leads to the youth unemployment rate keeps rising, it’s worthy to understanding the new policies of how to start business, the role of new policies and analyzing the experiences of different entrepreneurs. In the research, 11 young entrepreneurs are interviewed. It is discovered from the research, the undertaking policies after2009, besides solving the problems of starting undertakings, but also giving the financial support, sharing experiences and so on. During this period, the budges and plans for youth entrepreneur will increase, so the level will be upgraded to one policy to be executed. The new plan is to enhance the development of start undertakings in the campus, to enrich entrepreneurship of the youth, to establish the web platform, to have benign competition and so on. In terms of the executive authorities of the government, enrich the departments of pushing undertaking policies. According experiences, the executable units are separated too wide, the profession and quality are very different from each other, plus the integrity of each department is too weak, therefore the result of plan and execute policies are very disappointed. In terms of policies, the executers explains the contents of plans are very worthy trying, but put too much emphasis on front end, ignore the importance of middle and back end. The research also shows that the motivation of entrepreneur is mostly about personal factors; the number of entrepreneur is not increasing. The relation between the government policies are weak, which also shows the encouragement of policies is insufficient. It should be enhanced to create the job opportunities and decrease unenmployment rate by entrepreneur. Finally, according the result of research, here I offer several suggestions for young entrepreneurs.


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