  • 學位論文


The Mediating Effect of Employee Well-Being on The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment– The Perspectives of Generations and Attendance Status

指導教授 : 林淑慧


本研究主要目的在探討個案公司不同世代與出勤型態員工工作滿意度與幸福感對組織承諾的差異影響,以南部某大型企業的員工為研究對象。 本研究採用發放問卷調查方式蒐集資料,並且藉由描述性統計分析、驗證性因素分析、信度分析、相關分析、多元迴歸分析及結構方程模型分析等方法檢驗研究假設,以了解變項間之關係與影響、並提出相關的結論與具體建議,作為企業管理者與後續研究者之參考依據。總發放問卷數為850份,有效回收數為770份。經實證分析結果得知,顯示如下: ㄧ、員工工作滿意度越高對幸福感之影響程度越高。 二、員工幸福感對組織承諾有顯著影響。 三、員工工作滿意度對組織承諾有顯著正向影響。 四、不同世代員工之內在滿意度對幸福感有差異影響。 五、不同世代員工之幸福感對組織承諾有差異影響。 六、不同世代員工之工作滿意度對組織承諾有差異影響。 七、40年代員工之幸福感對工作滿意度與組織承諾有完全中介效果。 八、不同出勤型態員工之內在滿意度對幸福感有差異影響。 九、常日班員工之幸福感對組織承諾有差異影響。 十、不同出勤型態員工之工作滿意度對組織承諾有差異影響。 十一、常日班員工幸福感對工作滿意度與組織承諾有中介效果。


The main purpose of this study is to discuss the effects of job satisfaction, well-being and organizational commitment from different generations and attendance status employees in the case company. An example of southern large company. This study collects data through the questionary survey. Multiple aspects of the data were used to examine the relations and influences between the variables from descriptive statistics analysis, CFA, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and SEM. According to the results of this research, we make some conclusions and give recommendations to the business practitioners and academic researchers. The data was collected from 850 employees, and valid questionnaires from 770 employees. From the demonstration, there are results showed below, 1. The higher job satisfaction the employees have, the employees' happiness and we'll-beings are higher. 2. The employees' well-beings has a significant influence on organizational commitment. 3. The employees' job satisfaction has positive influences on organizational commitment. 4. Different generations' intrinsic satisfaction has discrepancy influences on well-beings. 5. Different generations' well-beings has discrepancy influences on organizational commitment. 6. Different generations' job satisfaction has discrepancy influences on organizational commitment. 7. The 1950s employees' well-beings has a completely mediation effects between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. 8. The different attendance status employees' intrinsic satisfaction has discrepancy influences on well-beings. 9. Regular shift employees' well-beings has discrepancy influences on organizational commitment . 10. Different attendance status employees' job satisfaction has discrepancy influences on organizational commitment. 11. Regular shift employees' well-beings has mediation effects between job satisfaction and organizational commitment.


