  • 學位論文


The Lived Experiences of Maternity Leave Career Women Before and After

指導教授 : 連雅慧


本研究針對因育嬰離開職場或申請育嬰留職停薪且已重返職場的已婚職業婦女進行訪談,主要目的在探究:1.暸解職業婦女申請育嬰留職停薪的經驗;2.瞭解曾育嬰留職停薪職業婦女的困境;3.瞭解曾育嬰留職停薪的職業婦女其重返職場之生涯抉擇。 研究者以質性研究之詮釋現象學為立論基礎,採立意抽樣法透過滾雪球方式,邀請六位因育嬰離開職場或申請育嬰留職停薪且有重返職場的已婚職業婦女參與研究,透過半結構式面對面的深度訪談,蒐集文本資料,進一步彙整訪談資料與省思札記,並以主題分析法進行文本資料的分析與歸納。本研究結果歸納為三大主題及9個次子題。 主題一、在家庭與工作的十字路口:回家當暫時的全職媽媽 主題二、全職媽媽的美麗與哀愁:媽媽的生涯大冒險 主題三、展開人生新一頁:期待又怕受傷害


This study aims to explore the lived experiences of career women who quitting their jobs or taking their maternity leaves then back to work. The main research inquiries of this study are:1. To explore Taiwanese career women’s experiences of maternity or parental leave;
2. To understand the dilemma of the career women who take maternity or parental leave;
3. To explore the career choices of women who return to work after their maternity or parental leaves.

 The author adopted a qualitative research methodology by using the snowball sampling technique. The in-depth interviews with six invited married career women who took their maternity or parental leaves and then back to work were used to collect data. After thematic analyses of the interview data, the main research findings included three major themes and nine sub-themes. Three major themes as follow: 1. Standing at the crossroad of family and career:Becoming a temporary full-time stay-at-home mother. 
 2. The Peony Pavilion of Stay-at-home Mothers:The career adventure of full-time mothers. 3. To start a new life:Expectations and fears for the future.


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