  • 學位論文


The ROC Military Service System: Development and Challenges

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


摘要 我國為因應內外安全戰略環境以及政策實施的改變,而積極致力於軍事的改革。兵役制度的發展,由於攸關軍事部門人力資源運用,以及兼顧質量均衡、公平原則、成本效益等問題,成為國人關注的焦點。目前世界主要三大趨勢的兵役制度為徵兵制、募兵制以及徵募兵併行制。我國考量多方面的角度考量如:國防安全以及敵情威脅的角度、文化背景及價值觀念、政府財力及募兵成本的支出以及政策的連貫性及社會因素等因素,找出最適合我國國防的兵役制度。我國國防人力中,政策走向希望將志願役人數比重逐漸提高,主要是由於少子化以及精兵政策的實施。制度應該如何取捨,儼然成為軍事改革中最有爭辯餘地的議題。 我國兵役制度實施至今,期間雖經歷多次修正,但當前社會對現行兵役制度仍有不同意見及改革聲浪,殊值進一步深入探討。所以本論文以我國兵制發展與挑戰為研究題目。研究方法係以內容分析法分析相關兵役制度文獻,及以比較分析法比較外國兵役制度實施優缺點,分別以微觀角度探討我國兵役制度內部問題所在,另外再以宏觀的角度分析國外兵役制度實施成功經驗及未來可能影響我國兵役制度的變項因素,進而將研究成果作為我國未來兵役制度變革的參考建議。 主要論文研究建議如下:一、未來兵役政策調動應採漸進式;二、替代役未來仍有存在的空間;三、完善的福利措施;四、建構專業兵力,為當代世界兵役制度發展趨勢。 關鍵字:兵役制度、徵兵制、募兵制、徵募兵併行制、替代役。


Abstract Our country is committed to active military reform according to both internal and external environment and the changes of policy implementation. The development of military service system has been the focus of our nation due to the deployment of military human resources, the balance of quality and quantity, principle of equity, cost-effectiveness and other issues. At the moment, the three major trends of military service system are: Conscription, Voluntarism, compound of both Conscription and Voluntarism. To find out the most suitable military service system for our nation, we should take multiple aspects related to national security into consideration, such as the threat of enemy, cultural backgrounds and values, the social factors, the financial status of the government, the expenditure of Voluntarism and the coherence of policy. As a result of decreasing birth rate and disarmament, the Ministry of National Defense expect to increase the proportion of Voluntarism. How to choose a military system seems to be the most debatable question. Until now, although our military service system has been through several amendment, there are still different opinions and demands for innovations in our society nowadays which are worthy of further investigations and research. In consequence, I choose the title ” The ROC Military Service System: Development and Challenges ” as the subject of this study. Research methods include content analysis which analyzes the literature related to military service systems; comparative analysis method which compares the advantages and disadvantages of foreign military service systems. Two points of view are adopted. The main purpose of microscopic approach is to probe into the internal problems of our military service system. And also the macroscopic approach is used to analyze the success in military service systems of foreign countries and the variation factors which may influence the military service system of our country in the future. And the achievements of this study can be a contribution to the future innovation of the military service in Taiwan. The main structure of this thesis is as followed: 1. In the future, the military service policy should take progressive steps in changes. 2.The substitute military service is still in need in the future. 3.To further improve the welfare of servicemen. 4.To establish specialized troops is the trend of the development of modern military service systems. Keywords : Military service system, Conscription, Voluntarism, compound of both Conscription and Voluntarism, Substitute military service.



