  • 學位論文


Testing the 3 X 2 Achievement Goals Questionnaire for Senior High School Teachers

指導教授 : 陳玉樹


本研究以成就目標堅實的理論基礎,依國內外學者理論觀點、採用經實徵研究的相關量表及嚴謹的理則效度來檢驗高中職教師六向度成就目標,提供高中職教師教學相關研究一個有價值的參考方向。本研究之主要目的有二:(1)以「六向度成就目標理論」、「智慧內隱理論之增加論與實體論」、「成就動機理論之追求成功與避免失敗」、「創意自我效能」與「創意教學」之實證量表為基底,進行「高中職教師六向度成就目標」之驗證。(2)檢驗「六向度成就目標」與前置變項「增加論與實體論」、「追求成功與避免失敗」及結果變項「創意自我效能」、「創意教學」之理則效度。本研究採國外學者所發展之相關量表為研究工具,並以691 位高中職教師為研究對象,進行驗證性分析,研究結果顯示六向度成就目標及研究相關量表具有極佳的內部一致性信度,且整體適配度良好


Adopting the relative scale constructed from the empirical researches with serious nomological validity, this study measures the 3 X 2 achievement goals accomplished by the senior high school teachers, and provides a valuable reference for the relative researches in the senior high school teachers’ teaching. This study is based on the solid achievement goal theory, and the international and domestic scholars’ viewpoints. The main purposes of this study are:1. To verify the 3 X 2 achievement goals accomplished by the senior high school teachers, using the empirically researched scale constrcted from the 3 X 2 achievement goals theory, the incremental theory and entity theory of the implicit theories of intelligence, to achieve success and avoid failure of the achievement motivation, creative self-efficacy and creative teaching.2.To examine the nomological validity among the 3 X 2 achievement goals and antecedent variables (the incremental theory and entity theory、to achieve success and avoid failure) and outcome variables (creative self-efficacy and creative teaching). This study adopts the relative scale constrctued by the abroad scholars as the research questionnaire, and 691 senior high school teachers participated in the study. According to the research results drawn by the confirmatory factor analysis, it is excellent in its internal consistency and reliability, and good in its overall modelfit between the 3 X 2 achievement goals and the relative scale.


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