  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 許華孚


因酒後駕車觸犯不能安全駕駛罪之受刑人進出看守所之頻率較其他種類犯罪人為高,且嘉義地區該種類受刑人經司法機關判處徒刑之人數狀態,於2011年至2013年間已佔所有各類型收容人比率首位,究竟僅是因為立法者基於社會輿論提高酒駕之刑度抑或有其他因素導致,進而探討該類受刑人進入矯正機關後,心理認知或行為模式有無發生變化。 本研究係以嘉義地區因違反不能安全駕駛案件入所執行者為對象,其特質多為社會階層中社經地位較為弱勢族群,共8位受訪者的陳述,希望透過採半結構式的深度訪談,進而探討受訪者在各種不同的生活環境背景,因酒駕案件入監執行後發生衝擊,從中瞭解該類受刑人因服刑導致家庭依附關係的轉變、個人損失、對家庭的衝擊、對入監執行的看法與嚇阻作用、自我身心的改變及矯正處遇下的壓力調適等事項,並於研究過程中發現酒駕受刑人在接受矯正處遇後,其酗酒成性之行為難有重大改變,及其認知亦未因透過矯正處理而有所變化,故建議對於酒駕受刑人除仰賴矯正機關之各種處遇進行改變其認知與行為外,仍須仰賴其他社會整體環境之配合,始能做到有效的矯正,改善酒後駕駛行為之發生,並提供具體建議,作為日後司法機關裁量之參考與矯正機關之處遇研擬。


Compared with criminals with other convictions, people with drunk driving conviction are held in detention more frequently. Statistics have shown that from 2011 to 2013, drunk driving conviction, among others, was the leading cause of imprisonment in Chiayi area. The study aims to explore whether the situation is caused by the increased punishment severity for drunk driving offenders under the influence of public opinion, and whether there were other underlying factors. In addition, the study further investigates if the sentenced people’s cognition and behavior could be reformed after entering the correctional facilities. In this study, 8 prisoners charged of driving under the influence (DUI) in Chiayi area were interviewed, with most of them from a relatively deprived socioeconomic background. By use of semi-structured in-depth interview method, this study seeks to obtain a deeper understanding of the effect of imprisonment on the DUI offenders from different social environments, as a means to revealing the change in family attachment they experienced, their personal loss, the impact on their family, the deterrence effect of imprisonment, the prisoners’ attitude toward serving time in jail, and their adjustment to the stress associated with correctional treatment. It is discovered during the study that most alcohol abuse treatment DUI offenders received in correctional facilities did not significantly reduce their drinking behavior, nor did it influence their cognition on the problem. The study suggests that in addition to the treatment provided at correctional institutions, the social environment of individual offenders also plays a critical role in correcting their behavior and cognition effectively and reducing the incidence of DUI. Specific suggestions are presented in the study in an effort to provide information for future judicial discretion in sentencing convicted individuals and for correctional treatment program planning. Keywords: persons with drunk driving conviction, judicial discretion, correctional treatment, criminal penalty


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