  • 學位論文


The Correlation between Learning Motivations and Learning Outcomes of Extracurricular Activities’ Participants in Community College in Taichung City

指導教授 : 胡夢鯨


本研究旨在探討臺中市社區大學參與社團活動課程學員學習動機與學習成效,希望藉由問卷之調查及統計的分析,瞭解臺中市社區大學參與社團活動課程學員之學習動機與學習成效之現況,並探討臺中市社區大學參與社團活動課程不同背景變項學員對學習動機與學習成效之差異情形,以及臺中市社區大學參與社團活動課程學員對學習動機與學習成效之相關,且根據研究發現提出相關之結論與具體建議,以作為相關單位之參考依據。 為達上述研究目的,本研究採取問卷調查法進行研究,以104年度第一學期臺中市八所社區大學參與社團活動課程學員為對象,採自編之「臺中市社區大學參與社團活動課程學員之學習動機與學習成效關係之問卷」為研究工具,總計發放480份問卷,有效樣本421份,將蒐集調查問卷之資料加以統計分析後,本研究所得結論及建議如下: 壹、結論 一、學員基本特性為女性、51歲以上最多、大專(學)學歷、服務業、已婚、收入3萬元 以下最多。 二、參與社團活動課程學員在社區大學學習動機取向為中上程度,以「求知興趣」動機 為最佳,「職業拓展」動機較低。 三、參與社團活動課程學員在社區大學學習成效取向偏高,以「教師與教學」成效為最 佳,「人際關係」層面較低。 四、「男性」、「18-30歲」、「農林漁牧業」、「未婚」之社大參與社團活動課程學員有較強 的學習動機。 五、「男性」或「31-40歲」之社大參與社團活動課程學員學習成效較佳。 六、學習動機越強之社大學員其學習成效越好。 貳、建議 一、對社區大學及相關單位之建議 (一) 規劃男性、未婚、18-31歲學習者感興趣之課程,滿足成人之異質性及其不同學習 動機的特性。 (二) 針對從事農林漁牧業工作者,提供選修社團活動課程之協助。 (三) 對於國中以下教育程度者,宜做相關的課程規劃。 (四) 建立多元學習課程以提高學員學習成果。 二、對社區大學教師之建議 (一) 加強學員課堂發表及溝通能力。 (二) 課程教材設計不宜太艱深,應符合學員程度 (三)營造班級良好氣氛,協助學員克服學習障礙以提高參與率。 (四)鼓勵學員利用機會展示發表,提升學員學習成效。 三、對成人學習者之建議 (一)成人學習者參與社區大學課程應多元化。 (二)社區大學學員應廣加宣傳,鼓勵週遭親朋好友參與社區大學課程。 (三)學歷為高、中職以下之成人學習者,主動積極參與學習活動。 (四)社區大學學員應學習將所學知識回饋社會。 四、對後續研究者之建議 分別就研究對象、研究變項、研究方法、研究工具上提出未來進一步研究之參考。


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was investigating the correlation between learning motivations and outcomes of extracurricular activities’ participants in community college in Taichung City. By questionnaires and statistics analysis, we had better understanding among: current status for learning motivations and outcomes of extracurricular activities’ participants in community college in Taichung City; the variations of motivations and outcomes of extracurricular activities due to participants’ different background; the correlation between learning motivations and outcomes of extracurricular activities’ participants in community college in Taichung City. Conclusions and concrete recommendations were made based on the findings to the schools as a reference. A questionnaire survey was used in the research to achieve goals above. The subjects were from the participants of extracurricular activities in 8 community colleges of Taichung City at the first semester of school year of 104 (2015). “Questionnaire for the correlation between learning motivations and outcomes of extracurricular activities’ participants in community college in Taichung City,” was adapted as research method. A total of 480 questionnaires were distributed, 421 valid samples. A statistical analysis followed after the data collection from questionnaire, conclusions and suggestions were as follows: I. Conclusions: i. Most participants were female. The majority group was age 51 and up with college degree, married, income level under $30,000. ii. The motivation among participants was above medium. The most significant motivation was “Inquiring interested knowledge.” The motivation for “Connections for jobs” was not significant. iii. Participants of extracurricular activities tended to have better academic achievement. The best outcome was at the aspect of “Instructors & Curriculum”; less outcome was at the aspect of “Interpersonal Skill.” iv. The group with male, age 18-30, occupations of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries, unmarried, had stronger motivation. v. “Male” or “age 31-40” groups in community college extra curriculum had better learning outcomes. vi. There’s positive correlation between learning motivations and outcomes. II. Suggestions: i.Suggestions for related faculty in community college i)Design curriculum focusing on interests of male, unmarried, age 18-31. Providing various courses for wide spectrum of interests and motivations. ii)Provide more supports of course selection for the group of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries. iii)Curriculum planning covers primary level. iv)Extend diverse learning to elaborate participants’ outcomes. iii.Suggestions to adult learners i) Adult learners should participate various courses. ii) Participants should promote awareness and encourage friends and colleagues to get involved in courses in community college. iii)Learners without high school diploma and below should show initiatives towards learning. iv)Students of community college should contribute what they’ve learn to the society. iv.Suggestions for future research For the reference of further research respectively on research subjects, research variables, research methods, research tools




