  • 學位論文


From the concept of Global Governance to the discussion on the relationship between food safety and national security

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


全球化已是一個世界性的普遍現象,其特性包含了突破各國司法管轄權、人口在全球的流動、獨立個體的網絡連結、跨國治理及非政府組織的參與「治理」等,其最終之目的就是「安全」。雖然在全球化的發展下增進了全人類的福祉,相對的也因人口之流動,帶來在政治、經濟、文化、社會與科技等層面的影響,近來食品安全的問題不斷從世界各角落爆發,如美牛(狂牛症、瘦肉精)事件、中國大陸三聚氣胺(毒奶)事件、臺灣塑化劑、毒澱粉、食用油品等等事件,引起全球關注。因此本論文以最貼切民生需要「食品安全」議題來探討,其對國家之影響及受全球關注之程度。 本研究之主要目的,就現有之制度探究食品安全問題是否構成國家安全層級。並以「全球治理」的概念與理論,探究國家、企業、個人之三角習題,了解全球化給我們帶來在政治、經濟、文化、社會與科技等層面的影響與衝擊。本研究分析要素包含三個層面: 一、當代全球化到全球治理之關聯。 二、在全球治理下之食品政治與國家安全之關聯研究。 三、全球治理下政府與第三部門關係與影響之研究。 本論文研究有以下五個發現與建議: 一、全球人口流動,造成人類安全威脅加遽。 二、政府部門未對症下藥,建請應儘速面對食品安全對策。 三、非政府組織的角色與功能必須有效及立即地予以強調。 四、政府部門應利用非政府組織積極參與國際社會。 五、全球之政府部門、司法檢警與非政府組織應合作讓人民食的安心,有健康的國民,才有強而有力的後盾。


Globalization has become a common phenomenon. The features of globalization consists of breakthrough in justice jurisdiction in each country, the population movement, independent individual Internet connection, cross-border governance and the participation of non-governmental organizations and so on, whose ultimate goal is “safety”. Although the development of globalization increased the welfare of human beings, however, it relatively brings us some influences on aspects of politics, culture, society, and technology and so forth. Recently, the problems of food safety have constantly broken out from every corner in the world, such as bovine (mad cow disease, clenbuterol) in the US , contaminated milk (melamine) in China, plasticizer, toxic starch, contaminated edible oil in Twain, which have arouse global concerns. Therefore, this thesis is based on the issues of food safety to discuss how it influences a country and how much attention it’s drawn in the worldwide. The major purpose of this research is to discuss whether food safety composes a national security according to current institution. In addition, with the global governance, we will discuss the triangle of a country, an enterprise and an individual. Besides, we will understand the influences and impacts that Globalization brings us on politics, economy, culture, society and technology. This research analyzes elements are composed of three aspects: I. The connection between contemporary globalization and global governance. II. The relevant research of food politics and national security under the global governance. III. The research o the relation and influence on the relationship between the government and the third department under the global governance. In conclusion, five findings and suggestions are drawn from the thesis: I. Global population movement has dramatically resulted in threats to the safety of human beings. II. The governmental departments that haven’t come up with any measures to prevent the crises should draw up strategies to deal with food safety as soon as possible. III. The roles and functions of non-governmental organizations should be enforced. IV. Governmental departments should take advantage of non-governmental organizations to actively participate in international community. V. Global governmental sectors, judicial prosecutors and police and non-governmental organizations should cooperate together to make people feel safe with food safety.


