  • 學位論文


Discussion on the revolution and transformation of military enrollment system through the prospects of national security development

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


兵役制度隨著國家政策及軍事戰略的需求來制定,又隨著國家內部政治、經濟、文化與外部威脅、國際情勢、戰爭型態改變來調整。而其目的在於有效的獲得軍隊所需之兵員,嚇阻與抵抗他國的武裝侵略,以確保國家安全,維護人民生命財產。 自1949年政府播遷來台後,因兩岸的對立關係,讓台灣長期面臨隨時都有戰爭發生的氛圍,因而需要維持充足的兵力,故在此時空背景需求下,實施了可保持充足兵員的徵兵制,同時也達到戰略規劃的功能。但近年來國內外時空環境的變化,軍事科技日新月異,未來戰爭勢必依賴高科技的專業人員已是不爭的事實,加上我國社會結構改變、人口面臨少子女化衝擊、義務役兵役役期縮短、國軍單位精簡裁撤等政策影響,使國軍兵源獲得產生困擾,因此有越來越多的學者、專家及社會大眾,質疑現階段所採行的徵兵制已不符時需,應該要因應國內外戰略環境改變及兩岸關係發展等各項因素,並在可確保我國家安全及人民福祉的終極目標下,結合實際狀況來調整我國的兵役制度以支援軍事戰略發展。 因此現行兵役制度是否符合時代脈動?能否滿足國家需求、國防未來建軍需要及應付國內外環境變化?是一件值得深入探討的議題。


Military enrollment system are set by national policy and military strategy, also adjusted as the change of political, economical, cultural, outside threats, international relationships and warfare conditions. The purpose of enrollment system is to obtain required personnel for military services; meanwhile, it contributes to defeat foreign armed threats and protect the lives and property of the people. Since government of the Republic of China retreated to Taiwan in 1949, facing the threat from the Communist China across the strait cause the government stayed combat ready for years. Conspiracy system meets the requirement and provides sufficient human resource for military strategy. However, in recent years with the external changes of international relationship, military technologies, and future warfare rely on technicians more than foot soldiers. On the other hand, the internal changes of society structure, trend of fewer children, shorten of service period for obligated service and disarmament policy, also lead to human resource problem for military services. How to improve the effectiveness of conscription system and military strategy with consideration of international strategic environment, cross-strait relationship, national security and citizen welfare have become hot topics for scholars, specialists, and citizens in Taiwan. How to meet military requirements, future force establishment and cope with changing international environment is an important topic worthy of further exploration.


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