  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 鄭津津博士


我國當前由「徵兵制」進而走向「募兵制」兵役制度係國防體系重大的軍事轉型,隨著女性官士兵將可能大量進入軍中,補充國軍部隊大量缺員狀況,因而,國軍人員在軍中職場權益問題,已成為眾所矚目之焦點,而其中有關國軍人員性騷擾問題,因係介於長官與部屬間之議題,故當國軍人員於部隊遭遇性騷擾事件時,勢必較其他領域中的性騷擾事件更為複雜。在本論文研究中發現,除依據「性別工作平等法」、與「性騷擾防治法」所訂頒的「國軍人員性騷擾處理實施規定」,對當事人並無任何法律拘束力外,另外國軍部隊長期的組織文化,也是造成實際運作窒礙難行的困境,以致無法落實保障國軍人員權益。 因此,本論文採用文獻分析法,透過分析、整理及分析相關書籍、期刊、政府統計資料、博碩士論文等,探究我國軍人員於部隊遭遇性騷擾事件之情形,及法律實務運作上的困境,並經由探討性別工作平等法與性騷擾防治法相關規範,檢討我國目前規範國軍人員於服役期間性騷擾事件之規定,應如何實施修正,始能健全保障國軍人員在服役期間之工作權與人身安全。 最後,本論文研究發現,將現行「國軍人員性騷擾處理實施規定」與我國相關法規範牴觸部份,重新實施修正,其亦為解決辦法之ㄧ。但在法制層面上,其實際運作中,畢竟,國軍人員受國防部監督,而國防部對國軍部隊熟悉度較高,且國軍人員對於國防部及其所屬機關、部隊較具歸屬感,以及國防部對國軍人員亦具有較高的掌握程度。基此,國防部及其所屬相關機關仍應給予適當之協助,共同解決國軍人員於部隊中所發生的性騷擾問題,使國軍人員在服役(務)過程中,免於遭受性騷擾之侵害,若不幸發生性騷擾事件,亦能獲得應有之保障,以達成完善保障國軍人員權益及提升品質之目標。




Our current from "conscription" and then to "mercenary" Department of Defense military service system, a major military transformation, With the female officer soldiers poured into the army may complement a large number of military forces undermanned situation, therefore, the military personnel in the country in the military workplace equity issues, has become the focus of public attention, Of which related to the military personnel on sexual harassment, because the range of issues between the Department of Executive and subordinates, so when military personnel suffered sexual harassment in the armed forces, will be even more complex than in other areas of sexual harassment. In this paper, the study found, except pursuant to the "Gender Equality in Employment Act," and "Sexual Harassment Prevention Law" stipulated awarded the "military personnel dealing with sexual harassment implementation of the provisions," the parties have no legal binding, the other military forces long-term organizational culture, also contributed to the plight of the actual operation difficult to implement, so that can not be implemented to protect the interests of military personnel. This thesis explores the problems associated with sexual harassment and the restrictions of applying laws to solve this situation in military, and give some sensible suggestions to improve the working condition and safety for our fellows. The information is based on analysis of the journal, reference, and articles from professional publishers. Lastly, one of the solutions of this issue is that the law should be modified if it against the related policy. Military employees are familiar with the whole system and they are usually under the supervision from the military department of the government. Therefore, military department and other related authorities should provide the appropriate help to solve the sexual harassment problem in the military. In this way, staff will get the protection and therefore achieve the higher standard of working condition when they are working in the military.




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