  • 學位論文


The Effects of Online Brand Community Identification and Commitment on Brand Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Brand Identification and Commitment

指導教授 : 阮金聲


近年來隨著科技的進步,網路社群的興起,有許多企業已經開始利用線上品牌社群來維繫與顧客之間的關係,並且利用該品牌社群來行銷自家的品牌產品或服務。本研究主要探討的議題為:品牌社群成員與該社群之間的相關因素是否會影響成員對該品牌的忠誠程度。 本研究欲利用社會認同理論之觀點,探討成員對社群之認同感、社群承諾、社群活動參與度、社群推廣行為之間的關係,及社群成員參與度、社群推廣行為、與品牌忠誠度間的影響關係,並將品牌認同與品牌承諾做為中介之角色,來驗證理論架構。本研究透過網路問卷及實體問卷調查法收集樣本資料,研究對象為有參與線上智慧型手機品牌社群的使用者,共收集到 385 份有效問卷,並使用偏最小平方法(Partial Least Squares, PLS)做資料分析以驗證研究假說,其研究結果如下所述: 1. 線上品牌社群認同正向顯著影響線上品牌社群承諾。 2. 線上品牌社群認同正向顯著影響品牌認同。 3. 線上品牌社群認同正向顯著影響社群成員參與度。 4. 線上品牌社群認同正向顯著影響品牌社群推廣。 5. 品牌認同正向顯著影響品牌承諾。 6. 線上品牌社群承諾正向顯著影響品牌承諾。 7. 社群成員參與度正向顯著影響品牌忠誠度。 8. 品牌社群推廣正向顯著影響品牌忠誠度。 9. 品牌承諾正向顯著影響品牌忠誠度。


In recently years, online community has been popular. More and more enterprises have begun to use the online brand communities to sustain the relationship with customers and sell own products or services. This study adopted the perspective on Social Identification Theory to examine the relationships between members’s identification on brand community and community commitment, member participation, community promotion, and brand identification. And examine the relationships between member participation, community promotion, brand commitment and brand loyalty. In order to verify the theoretical framework, the sample data were obtained through internet questionnaire survey and paper questionnaire survey. The subject are users of online smartphone brand community with participation. A total of 385 valid responses were retrieved. This study used partial least squares to analyze the sample data. And the findings of this study are as following: 1. Online brand community identification has significantly positive effect on online brand community commitment, brand identification, member participation, and brand community promotion. 2. Brand identification has significantly positive effect on brand commitment. 3. Online brand community commitment has significantly positive effect on brand commitment. 4. Member participation, brand community promotion, and brand commitment has significantly positive effect on brand loyalty.


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