  • 學位論文


Types of Conflicts of Interests between Shareholders and the Legal Protection of Minority Shareholder

指導教授 : 羅俊瑋 王志誠


本論文著重於研究股東間的利益衝突態樣與相應的少數股東保護機制,並選擇控制權與剩餘權偏離、實質負責人隱身幕後,以及經營權移轉三項重要的利益衝突態樣加以探討,並分別檢視我國法下對於各該利益衝突態樣的少數股東保護機制。 首先,台灣公司法在2014年7月正式引進閉鎖性股份有限公司制度,允許複數表決權股與否決權股之發行,為新創事業的發展提供了法律上的助力,但相較於歐美及日本之規範,台灣公司法對於少數股東的保護仍顯不足。其次,台灣公司法在2012年也引進了影子董事與事實上董事的制度,雖然施行未久,仍對既有觀念帶來重大變革。不過,相較於英國及紐、澳等國之規範,台灣的規範在構成要件、義務與責任的類型及內容上,仍然過於簡略,除了缺乏明確性之外,也可能減損其對於少數股東的保護功能。最後,台灣證券交易法雖選擇以強制公開收購制度作為經營權移轉時的少數股東保護機制,但規範卻具有甚多漏洞,學者早有質疑其並非真正的強制公開收購。本論文也藉由歐盟公司法第13號指令的施行經驗,來檢討台灣證券交易法的缺陷,並提供修法的參考。


This thesis focuses on conflicts of interests between shareholders, and legal protection of minority shareholder. Three types of important conflicts of interests were chosen: the separation of control rights and residual rights, the real controller hidden behind the veil, and the takeover. We studied the legal protection of minority shareholder under Taiwan’s law. First, Taiwan’s Company Act which was amended in July 2014 to introduce the close corporation scheme, allows stock corporations to issue share with multiple voting rights or veto rights. Notwithstanding the fact that this amendment provides legal stimuli for the venture capitalist, it is still inadequate for the legal protection of minority shareholders when compared to European, American, and Japanese legislature. Second, Taiwan’s Company Act also introduced the shadow director and the de facto director in 2012. Although the amendment has not come into effect over time, it has still brought material reform to the established concept. In comparison to the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Australia, Taiwan’s law remains inadequate with respect to the essential conditions, types and contents of obligations and liabilities. In addition to lacking clarity and certainty, the law may have consequences which diminish the protection functions for minority shareholders. Finally, Taiwan’s Securities and Exchange Act adopted the Mandatory Bid Rules to protect minority shareholders in control transfer sequence. However, the Rules have many loopholes, and company law scholars have asserted that these are not true mandatory bid rules. This thesis references the European Union’s Thirteenth Directive on Company Law in order to review defects in Taiwan’s Securities and Exchange Act, and to provide useful recommendations for future amendment.


28.張心悌,An Alternative Explanation for Non-adoption of the Mandatory Bid,證券市場發展第23卷第1期,頁81-124,2011年3月。
