  • 學位論文


A Study of the Phenomenon of Low Birth Rate on the Entire Educational Development

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


隨著社會型態的轉變,「少子化」現象儼然已成為世界各個先進國家伴隨而來的趨勢,從經建會95年至140年人口推計報告中顯示,臺灣未來總人口成長率將在2018年之後,由正成長轉為負成長,而這也將加速臺灣的人口老化問題,而首當其衝的,便是臺灣的教育現場面臨許多亂象,許多棘手的問題一一浮上檯面。以筆者從事教育工作多年,少子化現象就像一顆顆定時炸彈,將在可預見的未來連環引爆,若無法採取積極有效的對策,恐將影響國家安全與總體教育發展,因此,如何因應未來少子高齡化社會的挑戰,實乃現今臺灣政府當局與社會民眾刻不容緩的議題。 「少子化」現象的範圍涵蓋政治、經濟、教育、社會、文化等各方面,其主要原因不外是現代青年男女晚婚與不婚觀念的形成,育齡婦女生育態度及教養子女價值觀的改變,生兒育女的經濟負擔沉重,養兒育女的資源與支持性的環境不足,而且對於養兒防老的觀念逐漸式微,進而減少生育子女的動機。 而在臺灣,長久以來,都沒有完善的人口政策,且以往家庭計畫成功的推動,人口成長獲得一定的管控,加上近年來經濟環境不佳,造成生養子女條件變差,導致多數人選擇不婚或乾脆不生孩子了,使得臺灣少子化問題日趨嚴重。 少子化問題無論是對個人或整體教育層面而言,所帶來的影響都是弊大於利,政府如未能積極解決該問題,短期內可能影響臺灣的勞動力,且長期而言,可能造成社會保障制度崩盤,甚至導致國家滅亡,而解決少子化問題,應先徹底了解少子化問題的真正成因,釐清育齡男女為何會晚生、少生、不生或難孕,甚至不孕,並讓國家負有介入排除之義務,藉此建構足以化解該等成因之相關法制。 此外,人民是國家的根本,沒有人民哪來的國家,而優質的人民方能站穩踏階,讓臺灣在世界的舞台上發光發熱,所以提升教育品質,優質化教育現場,培養各個領域職群的精英人才,兼顧「質與量」方能提升整體國家人民的素養。


With the changing social patterns, the phenomenon of low birth rate apparently becomes the unavoidable tendency in all the advanced countries in the world. According to the report on the estimated population from 2006 to 2051 by the Council for Economic Planning and Development, the growth rate of the total population in Taiwan will decline from positive growth into negative growth. And it will also accelerate the aging population in Taiwan. The first is that Taiwan’s education field faces many chaos. Many thorny problems appear individually. Being engaged in educational service for many years, declining birthrate phenomenon like time bombs will explode one by one in the foreseeable future. Without the positive and effective solutions, the overall educational development and competitive power of the nation will be affected and threatened. Therefore, how to deal with the challenge from the society of fewer young people and more aged people in the future is indeed the critical issue that the Taiwan Government should pay attention to. The phenomenon of low birth rate is related to all aspects such as politics, economy, education, social issues, and cultural differences. The researcher finds that the main causes are as follows: the formation of thoughts that unmarried young people are unwilling to get married ; the declining percentage of couples’ getting married; the switch in attitudes toward giving birth and educating kids; the dilemma faced by career women in taking care of both jobs and family affairs; the financial burden of breeding and educating kids; and the insufficient resources and less supportive surroundings provided for breeding and educating kids. The expectation that raising kids is the feedback guaranty in the future is obviously collapsed and decreases the motivation to give birth to babies. Taiwan has long been no comprehensive population policy. And it has been successful in promoting family planning, population growth gain its control. Together with the recent poor economic environment, resulting in deteriorated condition to have children, most people choose not to marry or not to have children. This makes Taiwan’s low birth rate to be a serious problem. Low birth rate problem either for individuals or whole in terms of education level, the impact of low birth rate brings more drawbacks than advantages. If Taiwan’s Government has failed to actively solve the problem, in the short term it might affect Taiwan’s labor force, in the long term it may cause the collapse of the social security system.It can even lead to the demise of the country. And to solve the problem of low birth rate, we should get a thorough understanding of the real causes of the problem of low birth rate. We have to clarify why men and women of childbearing age are not willing to have more babies, do not want babies, have difficult pregnancy, and even infertility. We should request our country to exclude these problems and construct relevant laws to solve the real causes of low birth rate. In addition, the people are the country’s fundamental. A country will not exist without people. The quality of the people can allow Taiwan to shine in the stage of the world. So we have to improve educational quality, and the quality of educational sites. We should train talents in various fields. This can increase the overall literacy of our people.


陳寬政、林子瑜、張雅君,「老年人居住安排的動態:Markov模型的設計與估計」,臺灣社會學刊,第48期(2011年) ,頁207-229。
陳淼,「高齡化社會的衝擊與對策-人口老化對我國總體經濟的影響與因應之道」,台灣經濟研究院月刊,第27期 (2004年),頁21-29。
