  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張碩毅


隨著時代進步,交通便利與車輛的安全舒適,漸為現代民眾所追求的目標。相對的也使公路監理業務蓬勃發展,轄管的範圍越來越廣。從個人的駕駛執照業務,車輛牌照發放檢驗及異動讓渡業務,運輸業的國道客運、遊覽車、砂石車及計程車管理業務,一直到違規處理等等,均為公路監理轄管範圍。也由於如此因應公路監理業務而生的代辦職業,協助民眾解決因有事無法處理公路監理業務的困難,同時也為老一輩的代辦業者,提供一項謀生的工具。 基本上代辦業者肯定證照制度是將行業走向更專業化的趨勢,也能提升從業人員素質,但是監理代辦業相當重視實務面,且監理代辦業是否已經足以成為一種性質高深的專業,可透過考試進行認證,卻是值得商榷。 現不論是否進行設置此考試認證制度,先以目前『以訓代考』的訓練,取得『公路監理代辦人證書』的模式(此模式較易讓代辦人員接受),建置其訓練項目及頒發證書之管理制度為研究,希望能為代辦業者證照制度跨出建置的第一步。 本研究採用Gowin’s Vee的研究策略,依文獻探討的方式進行文獻的蒐集與探討,找出公路監理代辦人員訓練與證照管理相關的資料選項因子,進而建置『公路監理代辦人員訓練與證照管理』的雛型。本研究共找出36個相關的選項因子。再透過專家問卷的發放,確定本研究所探討的資料選項因子是否適合。並透過專家的填答得到每項選項因子間的重要性與否,再透過排序分析,了解專家們對選項因子的看法,以修正『公路監理代辦人員訓練與證照管理』的雛型,使該雛型更臻於符合實務完善。


地政士 證書 證照 稅務士


As time moves on , convenient traffic as well as safe and comfortable vehicle have become a public goal for people. That also makes motor vehicle business blooms up and extands its range. Except personal driving license` plate pick-up ` vehicle inspection and ownership change, national road passenger transport `tour bus` dump truck` taxi management and traffic violation affairs are belongs to our business. Motor vehicle agency comes out because of those business, which helps the publice manage affairs about motor vehicle. It also provides jobs for the old scalper. Basically, the agency affirms certificate system and thinks it will go to a more professional trend and promote their quality. Since business about motor vehicle is very practical, whether the agency has been professional enough to be certificated by exam still needs to be discussed. We put certificate system aside at this moment. To obtain a motor vehicle certificate for the agency ,we use training instead of an exam. It’s easier for the agency to accept. We set training items and study certificate management which we hope to make the first step for the policy. “Gowin’s Vee” study strategy is adopted in this article. To set the original miniature, we study and collect information from it and try to search some elements between motor vehicle agency and certificate system. We chose 36 related elements finally. Through professional questionnaire, we make sure whether these elements are proper. And result coming form those questionnaires will tell us if these elements are important. Furthermore, after orderly analysis we can understand how the experts think about it and correct the miniature of “ training and certificate management for motor vehicle agency”. Thus, we can make it batter and practical.


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