  • 學位論文

海上保險因果關係之研究─以英國最高法院The Cendor MOPU案為中心

Study on the Causation of Marine Insurance—Focus on The Cendor MOPU Case

指導教授 : 羅俊瑋


我國海上運輸業發展蓬勃,在世界市場有其重要之地位,而保險為現今社會分散風險暨消化損失之最佳制度,故海上保險對於我國海上運輸之發展極具重要性。然國際海上運輸實務上保險人經常以承保風險與損失並無因果關係為由,拒絕理賠該損失,以致被保險人無法獲得保險分散風險暨消化損失之效用,無疑係造成我國海上運輸業之一大阻礙。 保險人僅對承保風險所致之損失負補償責任,對非承保風險所致之損失,不負補償責任。因此,本文探討之重點有二:首先,海上保險因果關係之判準為何;再者,概括式保險契約所承保之風險為海上風險,而固有瑕疵為其除外風險,此二者間關係為何。對此,2011年英國最高法院於The Cendor MOPU案作出了革命性的標竿判決,故本文將藉由該案為探討之中心,統籌與歸納英國實務與學說之相關見解,冀以解決前述之爭議。 英國最高法院於The Cendor MOPU案之主要論點有三:第一,關於海上保險案件之因果關係判準係採取「主力近因原則」;第二,其釐清海上風險與固有瑕疵係相互斥之原因,並無法共同導致損失之發生;最後,偶發意外或事故係指海浪就保險標的物之作用,而非其本身,故其限縮固有瑕疵所引起損失之標準,即唯獨可歸就於保險標的物自身者。 因此,英國最高法院於The Cendor MOPU案之論點,其提供保單持有人擁有強而有力之武器,足以攻擊保險人以固有瑕疵為由之抗辯。最後,本文也希冀我國法規範得以前述相關之論點為借鏡,明文訂立相關法規,以減少保險人任意拒絕理賠之濫觴。


Our thriving maritime transport industry is very important in the world market, and now insurance is the best system of the social to reconcile losses and disperse risks, so the influence of marine insurance for the development of maritime transport is so important. However, in international maritime transport practices, insurer often contradicted that there is no causal relationship between the loss and the insured risk, refused to claim the loss, so that the insured cannot obtain benefit of insurance to reconcile losses and disperse risks. Undoubtedly, it is a large obstacles in our maritime transport industry. The insurer is liable for any loss proximately caused by a peril insured against, but, subject as aforesaid, he is not liable for any loss which is not proximately caused by a peril insured against. Therefore, to discuss the two focus: First, the causation question in marine insurance law; perils of the sea is part of the group of risks insured under a marine all risk policy, and inherent vice is excluded from cover, what is their relationship? In response, the British Supreme Court in The Cendor MOPU made a revolutionary significant judgment in 2011. So this thesis will explore and collect related practice and theory of opinions Britain by the case, aiming to solve the aforementioned controversy. There are three main arguments in the case of The Cendor MOPU: First, regarding the causal relationship between marine insurance case,“proximate in efficiency”is the criterion of causality on the cases of marine insurance; second, it is clear that perils of the sea and inherent vice cannot stand together as equal dominant causes, or be caused by a concurrence of peril of the sea and inherent vice; finally, fortuitous accidents or casualties mean the action of the winds and waves, rather than the winds and waves, so the court narrowed the test for losses arising from inherent vice to losses solely attributable to the nature of the subject matter. Therefore, the construction established by British Supreme Court in The Cendor MOPU provides a strong weapon to policyholders, who will now be able to attack their insurers' defence of inherent vice. And I hope after causes our country to legislate to be more complete by the preceding argument, to reduce the insurer arbitrarily refuse claims.


